un_forgetting and
charientisms Where: Suite 1313, Edennel Apartments, Somni
Style: You pick; I'm fine with either
Status: Closed
That Naoya wished to speak with him was no surprise to Break. After all, his name--Cain--it was dangerous, was it not? And now Break knew it.
He was most interested to see how this would play out, for there was an undeniable opportunity here in this exchange that was sure to come. Naoya was dangerous, most certainly, but Break was careful. He could not foresee every outcome, of course, but he could prepare for the good majority of them. Notes that would, perhaps, never alert anyone at all. But it was most certainly best to be cautious.
And while Break rarely entered by means of the front door, in this particular instance, he supposed it would be best to at least perform that common courtesy. He knocked, sleeve falling away so that the knock rang out firmly.
Oh yes. This was going to be interesting. ♥