Javert ✍ 003

Nov 27, 2009 00:25

Who: Inspector Javert, anyone who happens by
Where: A bridge somewhere in Somni
Style: Either
Status: Open like the Wind. The Inspector needs to be bothered today ( Read more... )

nozomu itoshiki, !event: hunger, miles edgeworth, !location: somni, javert, beatrice, undertaker, kengamine nagi, grell sutcliff, phoenix wright, alec lightwood, danny fenton

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Comments 53

undertakerlol November 27 2009, 05:36:24 UTC
[Have a haggard looking Undertaker stroll up to you.]

You are experiencing the cravings as well, Monsieur?


chose_death November 27 2009, 06:09:35 UTC
[Javert frowns deeply at the sound of that voice. It was like nails grating along chalkboard to him. His gaze remains firmly fixated on the river.]



undertakerlol November 27 2009, 22:33:51 UTC
((ooc: italics=french :3))

All of Somarium is experiencing cravings...insatiable cravings, Monsieur.

[The Undertaker reaches into his sleeve and pulls out a file]

I have finished my autopsy report on the ghost-girl. This your copy. It contains my drawings an analysis.


lookatmybadge November 27 2009, 05:59:22 UTC
Phoenix was late on his shopping-- the cupboards had become ridiculously bare and it was when Trucy had eaten yet another pudding for breakfast that he decided that it was time to get some proper food into the apartment. He had bought various things-- mostly because he wasn't entirely sure what Trucy might be interested in, so he wanted to make sure he got at least something she'd like. The bags he struggled to hold contained milk, cans, vegetables, fruit-- but the thing Javert might be most interested in would be the long baguette sticking out from the top.

His blue eyes locked onto the mans form; there was no mistaking who it was. Javert was a tall man who had presence. It wasn't hard to notice him. He paused on the spot, torn between talking to him or leaving him to his thoughts ( ... )


chose_death November 27 2009, 07:32:24 UTC
Javert lifted the heel of his foot and stoppered the can with a click of his boot. After a pause, as if to communicate to the river a silent reassurance that he would only be a moment, the Inspector stiffly bent down and picked up the can. He tested the can's weight, bobbing it up and down in his massive hand, then cast his stare downward to read the label. He looked up to Phoenix with a curl of his lip and brow. Immediately, his strangely fogged gaze was drawn to the baguette in the defense attorney's arms.

The Inspector frowned. He only had a quarter of a loaf remaining.

"If you had the capacity," Javert began in his characteristic calm, abrupt tone. His gaze lingered on the bread a moment or two longer than necessary as he tossed the can in little hops into the air. What instinct was stronger - the strong desire to be left to his own devices, or this inconceivable want for bread, of all things? "I would tell you to catch. As it were ( ... )


(The comment has been removed)

lookatmybadge November 27 2009, 18:40:06 UTC
As soon as Phoenix's eyes fell onto Edgeworth, he had an unusual... craving to be near him. He shrugged it off easily enough, and instead decided to concentrate on Javert and that can. He smiled weakly at his words and began placing items in the other bags, attempting to weigh them out so that there wouldn't be any more splitting incidents on his way home.

"Heh, thanks. I guess I know better than to use paper. I'd probably be better off bringing my own bags next time," he reached out and took the can, his eyes already searching for a place to place the can within his bag. Soon, though, he stood, letting the bags sit on the floor whilst he surveyed Javert.

"What are you doing all the way out here, anyway?"


itwillraintoday November 27 2009, 06:16:17 UTC
"I hope you're not thinking of taking a swim." Nagi is wearing his usual long jacket, but he has a thicker scarf around his neck. That and his gloves (on hands stuck deeply into his pockets) are the only changes in his attire to ward off the cold.

Some force had drawn him out of his house today, and while he wouldn't normally bother with someone in Javert's position he had an odd urging to... get to know the man better. Maybe even strike up a real conversation.


chose_death November 27 2009, 16:02:08 UTC
Javert nearly cursed his luck. It seemed that just as one man left, another immediately came to take his place. Did these people not know how to leave a person to his solitude? Certainly he understood the futility of jumping again. He didn't suppose a dead man could easily die again, yet still he felt a very strange gravitation toward the idea where he once would have banished it to the depths as a waste of time. He popped the last piece of his bread in his mouth, and as he swallowed the bite, he already felt a positively baffling hunger pang for more. What nonsense... He didn't think he skipped so many meals.

At a glance, it didn't look as if Javert's demeanor had changed at all. He was a man who kept remarkably calm face, even in the most dire of situations. He merely straightened to his full towering height and brushed off his hands, flexing his fingers as if noticing the wintry breeze for the first time. He gazed askance at Nagi with a hint of a cold smirk.

"In this chill, monsieur?"


itwillraintoday November 27 2009, 19:31:27 UTC
"Exactly. You'd hit ice before you drowned. The last thing you need in this weather is a broken limb or two." Was he eating plain bread? That struck Nagi as an odd thing to be doing while standing out in the cold over a bridge, but to each his own.

He stepped closer. Now that conversation had been initiated he wanted nothing more than to get to know the man more. Perhaps he could invite him inside where it was warmer and they could have tea. He certainly seemed like a gentleman. "Are you feeling well? I'd hate for you to catch a cold standing out in this."


chose_death November 27 2009, 20:55:28 UTC
"Ah, but it is far more likely to catch death from the cold than from drowning at this spot." Javert lifted his arm and lazily referred to the still-running river. "See there. The currents are slow and the depth is too shallow." Freezing to death. Slightly different from his first mode, drowning, but still effective. The slowness was certainly a drawback, unless he would be lucky enough to lose consciousness early on ( ... )


bottleblueyes November 27 2009, 15:01:42 UTC
[Alec is just passing through. He's shivering like crazy, since he can't stay warm apparently, and you might notice the black rune markings on his hands and neck. He's on his way to get some warm clothes and blankets from the shopping district, but hey... what's that crazy mundie guy doing lounging around up here on a bridge talking to himself when it's so frickin' cold out?]

You're not going to jump are you?


chose_death November 27 2009, 16:14:30 UTC
[This is the second man in a very short interval that accused him of suicidal intent. If he stood there much longer, his hands just may freeze onto the damn parapet. Javert frowned.

In his previous world, not a single man would have had the gall or the mind to suggest such a thing. The reputation the Inspector had constructed for himself in Paris was a fearsome, towering thing indeed, and an infallible dog-tiger certainly couldn't have been in any danger of taking his own life.

No one would have stopped him, and he knew it. Not that it would have mattered much in the end, so long as Valjean didn't stick his nose where he wasn't wanted.

He cracked a grim smirk and made a calm, dry response.]

Not on your watch, it seems.

[Was he joking? It certainly seemed so, but it was difficult to tell ( ... )


this is really late. sorry =( bottleblueyes December 19 2009, 18:52:50 UTC
[Shrugging, and maybe a little tense because he can kind of tell that you're looking at his Marks, and it makes him more than a little uncomfortable. Plus, he's trying to keep his shivering to a minimum.]

Great. So you just like talking to yourself then?


despairteacher November 27 2009, 16:26:41 UTC
"Third time is a charm, so you only need to work seriously on the third try. Thinking too hard for the second attempt is useless." Nozomu leaned on the parapets by the contemplating man.

He knew that behavior, he did the same thing on bridges back when he was in his own world. The way this man consumed his bread was strange to him, however. He swerved his gaze from the waters to the inspector.

"But you will have to find another place. I'm reserving this spot for when I commit suicide for a lost cause."


You must have a suicide sense, Nozomu 8D chose_death November 28 2009, 06:05:04 UTC
Javert gave this man an incredulous little scoff, his expression darkening. Slowly he turned to cast Nozomu an intent, cold gaze, his jaw and mouth firm with aggravation.

"Attempting is missing the point," he growled.

But aside from his tightened visage, his posture remained completely unchanged, as if none of this had any real affect.

"Ah! Can you present the deed to this bridge?" he intoned with a hollow, mirthless grin. "Or a lease?"


He's just been there, done that XD despairteacher November 30 2009, 18:53:39 UTC
"Hmph." Nozomu smirked at the question. His paranoia has already covered this. He remained leaning on the railings as he answered.

"Like everything else here, there was no previous owner or government that claimed it. There were no papers for it in the first place!" It was a small relief. It was hard enough as it was to find anything without paperwork attached back in Japan.


It amuses the hell out of me chose_death November 30 2009, 19:07:28 UTC
"Then your reservation does not apply," was Javert's terse response. He withdrew the remaining piece of bread he had taken from Phoenix Wright from his pocket and took a tremendous bite of it.

"Good day."

It was remarkable how Javert could make such a typically polite phrase of farewell sound dry.


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