02 || is it worth the aggravation

Nov 15, 2009 22:56

Who: Tohru Adachi and anyone who comes to say hello!
Where: Police dept., Somni district 4
Style: Either
Status: So very open! Anyone can come and join in!

Adachi had been working hard. He'd done all the paperwork Javert had been hurling at him, he'd made everyone coffee-- he was trying. He'd been kind to Naomi, even working hard at maintaining ( Read more... )

javert, !location: somni, tohru adachi, raidou kuzunoha xiv, naomi hunter, danny fenton

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Comments 66

phantomfenton November 16 2009, 02:53:54 UTC
Danny wipes his brow with the back of his arm, frowning when he feels grit. Great--now his face probably has a dirt-smudge, too. Not that it would make a difference if it didn't, of course--the rest of him is more than dirty enough to make up for it.

Danny shivers in a sudden stray breeze, lowering his arm and ignoring the grime. Suddenly he wishes he weren't tired, sweaty, and jacket-less. He hadn't needed the warmth earlier, but now he's too tired to bother with his ghost form, and he's too tired to warm up by trying to exercise more. Stupid Somarium, for letting him get so out of shape. Stupid ghosts for making him need to stay in one.

Danny rounds the corner of another building, far too intent on brooding to notice Adachi right off. He sees him when he almost runs into the man, though.

"Whoa! Look out!" Hi, Adachi. Have a teenager-out-of-nowhere flailing in his kind-of-too-late-attempts to sidestep.


itscabbagetime November 16 2009, 03:20:30 UTC
He hadn't seen Danny coming-- and that was mostly because Adachi was in his own world, finishing up his cigarette. He was deciding what he wanted for lunch; maybe a sandwich, or maybe something else. Either way, his choices were pretty limited, because he didn't really know the area as well as some--

But then he was rudely taken out of his thoughts by a kid with some sort of weird war-type face paints smeared across his face. He felt the boy knock into him and he fell back against the wall with a low 'oof--!'. It wasn't until he'd straightened up and put his cigarette out that he recognized the boy.

"So-sorry, heh, I guess we both weren't paying attention, huh?" He dusted himself off (although it didn't do much good, his shirt was now stained with all types of grit) and pushed himself off of the wall. "... What's with all this dirt..?"


phantomfenton November 16 2009, 03:38:31 UTC
"Sorry, sorry--... oh." Him. "Uh--yeah, uh, seems like." It takes a little effort, but he finds it in himself to be guilty; after all, this guy might be a jerk, but Danny did kind of just ruin his shirt... "Sorry," he adds, looking at it. There. That was enough to appease his concience.

"Uh--I was exploring some old factory. The whole place is filthy, and when I slipped on the stairs..." He shrugs, as though the outcome went without saying. Keep it simple, and then redirect. "What're you doing out here?"


itscabbagetime November 16 2009, 03:47:17 UTC
He shrugged his shoulders and smiled, and after he'd brushed himself off enough, he did the exact same thing as Danny did and wiped his face. Oops. "Don't worry about it," he said quickly, shaking his head. "No harm done. Besides, I never look where I'm going, so I know where you're coming from, heh."

He blinked. An old factory? "Are you okay?" At this point, Adachi didn't really care what the kid had been doing, nor did he care if he was okay. In fact, he didn't really care for the kid-- but he knew he had to keep up appearances, for his own sake. At least his voice sounded concerned.

"Oh, I work here. This is the police department-- I'm just on a break." He looked back through the doors and smiled. "I don't think I have much of a break to look forward to, so that's why I started taking up smoking. You get more breaks that way." And all you had to suffer was the bad cough, sore throat and bad taste!


scientize November 16 2009, 04:05:10 UTC
Passing through the fourth district of Somni, Naomi was on her way to visit the lazy detective as she approached the station. Even if their first meeting hadn't gone very well to say the least, he had been trying very hard to redeem himself in her eyes. If anything, she had nothing to fear from the man now. She could ruin his reputation in one breath and she was certain he knew it.

So, the scientist was stalling for time, waiting to see if the man could offer her anything well worth the effort of keeping the name of her assailant a secret.

Spotting Adachi on his break, Naomi set a small smile on her face before stepping closer to him. Still dressed in her turtleneck sweater, the bite mark he had so sweetly given her was hidden from view.

She held out a small brown bag.


itscabbagetime November 16 2009, 04:14:19 UTC
He wasn't expecting any visitors, least of all Naomi. He looked up towards her and smiled, tilting his head as she approached him. He bridged the gap between them and held his hand out to accept her gift, intrigued. She was bringing things to him at work, now..?

"Hey, you didn't have to come all the way out here," he said with a pleased smile, holding the bag up to peer at it quizzically.

"What's this? It's for me?"


scientize November 16 2009, 04:34:30 UTC
She eagerly handed the plain bag out to him. There wasn't much inside, only a badly made sandwich and an apple, but it was still a kind thought coming from her. Her forced smile softened slightly as she gazed up at his happy expression.

"It wasn't too far and I was out already... I thought you might like something for lunch. Nothing special so don't get too excited."


itscabbagetime November 16 2009, 04:42:29 UTC
He grinned as he inspected the contents and reached forward to give her a half hug. He even kissed her on the cheek clumsily (accidentally getting some dirt from Danny's encounter over her, though, thankfully for his half hug, he managed to keep her clothes clean).

"Thanks, Naomi. I really appreciate it. I didn't have time to make myself lunch this morning."


chose_death November 16 2009, 05:34:55 UTC
Inspector Javert rounded the nearest corner bearing something large, cumbersome, and heavy under his arm.

He had just come from the district five courthouse. The object under his arm was the potted plant that once resided in the front room to Naomi's lab. Recently, Javert had decided to request the object for himself. What he neglected to disclose to Naomi was his intended use for it. The woman did not need to know something that did not concern her, particularly since she was so unwilling to speak of the matter in question. At the courthouse, he presented Edgeworth with the plant and requested one of those new scientific analyses the prosecutor had mentioned, but nothing as of yet has been accomplished.

Truth be told, Inspector Javert may have mildly misunderstood the particularities of conducting a scientific analysis on potential evidence. It was true that Javert suspected that the plant was used to knock Naomi Hunter about the head, but there was little way to confirm the feat without the presence of blood on the bottom of the ( ... )


itscabbagetime November 16 2009, 20:42:45 UTC
Now that he was alone again, he was tempted to strike up another cigarette. It was a reasonable day within Somarium today, and he was enjoying the midday sun on his back and the soft rustle of the breeze. His pleasant feeling, however, was cut short when he felt a strange, cold shiver shoot down along his spine.

And yet, it seemed familiar.

He felt that gaze before he even saw the man. He let his eyes gaze up towards the sky, perhaps asking for strength from a higher being, before turning around to face him with a smile and a very nervous ruffle to the back of his hair. He shifted from foot to foot, in case his nervousness wasn't shown quite enough, and then he let his hand drop to his side.

"Someone walked into me," he said quickly, his hands reaching up to attempt to get the grime out of his hair and off of his face. It only made it worse.

"I-I don't usually come to work like this."


chose_death November 17 2009, 08:12:42 UTC
"No," said Javert tersely with a fierce glow in his eye. His employee's nervousness did not pass by the Inspector unnoticed. He grimaced. "I would have noticed the dirt sooner."

Men who shrank under the scrutinizing gaze of the Law often had something to hide. And when they had something to hide, surely they were dishonest men. Perhaps Adachi's nervousness was more telling than a simple rookie's anxiety before a superior.

Javert shifted the pot under his arm. He regarded Adachi and his state of dress with a sour expression. Dishonesty noted, it would not do to have all the paperwork covered in smudges and dust.

"Don't wear that coat near the desk," commanded the Inspector. "I want tidy reports. Keep them that way." The corners of his mouth pinched, and he gave an imperceptible tilt of his head. "And hurry up. Was your cigarette sweet? Come, I have more for you to do."


itscabbagetime November 17 2009, 20:18:37 UTC
Yes, he was nervous, and it was for a very good reason. Javert was a foreboding man; he was a man whose presence you didn't question, and he was a man who knew how to make someone, perhaps an innocent someone, feel guilty. Javert clearly didn't know the vibes he sent out.

With his shift, Adachi's eyes were drawn to the plant he carried with him, and instantly he was by his side. The sour expression caused Adachi to laugh quietly and attempt to dust himself off again.

"Yes sir," he replied softly. He was intrigued by that plant. It seemed familiar, but he didn't want to stare. Something was off about it. "Oh, right. Y-yeah, sure."


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itscabbagetime November 16 2009, 20:44:16 UTC
[Now, sir was definitely a term Adachi wasn't used to. He peered over his shoulder to double check he wasn't talking to someone else and then offered a small, nervous smile.]

Hey! You... were talking to me, right?


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itscabbagetime November 17 2009, 20:21:24 UTC
Then hi!

You work here too, right? Heh, is the inspector working you as hard as he's working me?


scoreatouchdown November 18 2009, 15:37:52 UTC
[Have Travis walking around Somni only to spot Adachi. Oh hey, wasn't that the drunk on the Dreamberry last time?]

Looks like you don't run out of vices, huh?


itscabbagetime November 24 2009, 03:03:23 UTC
Huh? O-oh-- [this is where Adachi fumbles and drops his cigarette, instantly smushing it out with his foot.] --haha, I guess not.

I only took up smoking so I could have more breaks. Oh! But don't tell the Inspector that.


scoreatouchdown November 24 2009, 13:14:17 UTC
Inspector? You working with the police?


itscabbagetime November 27 2009, 00:49:53 UTC
Oh, uh, yeah. Just joined.


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