Doll ♥ I

Oct 12, 2009 18:26

Who: Doll and anyone!
Where: Espoir
Style: either
Status: open!

"Cor." Doll walked slowly through the middle of Espoir - slowly because she was so busy staring up and around at everything with her mouth wide open that she was afraid if she moved any faster she'd either run into something or swallow a few bugs.

Her fascination with her new surroundings had so far kept her from flipping out over the sudden change in location. She'd do that soon enough, once she remembered she had a job she was supposed to be doing. For now, there was just a small voice in the back of her mind telling her the horse was gone, but she wasn't even all that worried about that because it would know how to find its way back to the circus on its own. That's where the good food was, after all.

One didn't usually see so many carved vegetable lanterns in one place, so she could only assume there was either some sort of special event going on or she'd wandered into someplace extraordinary. (Not that she really needed the pumpkins to tell her that.) It felt too real to be a dream, but what else could it be? Even if this was beyond anything she thought she could imagine up...

doll, undertaker, spain (antonio fernandez carriedo), !location: espoir, dinah wherever

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