Gale | 07

Oct 11, 2009 14:14

Who: Gale and Jenna
What: Meeting in the middle of Espoir. Alone. 0_o Uh oh.
Where: the fountain
When: After their discussion over the Dreamberries. Link to be added later.

Facing the past )

gale, jenna angel

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Comments 29

karmaism October 12 2009, 02:08:36 UTC
Well, they certainly made it easy to move around in this foreign land, didn't they? Jenna had been tinkering with the device since her arrival, and, much to her surprise, it actually seemed useful. Keeping on her would probably be wise, at least for the time being.

As she approached the location that the AI had sent her, her reasoning for being there was on constant repeat in her mind. She just needed information, it was as simple as that. If -- this one was willing to give her what she wanted, then who was she to refuse? There wasn't... any other reason for meeting him. None. That would be -- foolish.

Of course, she still wasn't entirely prepared, coming face to face with the green-haired one again. What was his name? It doesn't matter! she snapped at herself inwardly, he's just a false creation, anyway. They shouldn't even have names to begin with!Stopping just a few feet away, something caught in her throat as she caught sight of him. She shook it off though, forcefully with a toss of her head from side to side. Crossing her arms ( ... )


honor_tactics October 12 2009, 06:22:38 UTC
Gale looked up in his normal, slow, half-disinterested way. Seeing her here, in was enough to drag the half-memory, half-personality data fragment that was David out from the corner of his mind. He couldn't help but think that Jenna actually looked quite beautiful.

But he shoved the thought away. It was not his own. David's karmic leftovers did not rule his life.

"First, a question. Are you hungry?"


karmaism October 12 2009, 23:02:03 UTC
Well, that certainly hadn't been a question that he was expecting. Had he pictured her lunging at him? Attempting to satiate herself on his carcass? Jenna narrowed her eyes, that certainly wasn't a question that she would answer honestly, especially coming from one of his kind. "No," she said simply, indicating that the matter was no longer up for discussion.

She was all business. She didn't like how uncomfortable she felt under his gaze. "Now, if you have information regarding this place, I suggest that you share it."


honor_tactics October 12 2009, 23:30:06 UTC
"I will. First..."

He stood, reaching for a small bag of the supplement bars that Washu had made, offering it to Jenna. "You will be. These have enough magnetite to sate your demon, as well as keep you from being hungry so often. The creatures in the desert are useful for hunting as well, should you be so inclined. But you will need a certain pass to get through the barrier.

"As for this place, it is called Somarium. There is the city, Somni, and this village, Espoir. Whoever was here before us, they have been gone a long time. That device we communicated over--it is called a Dreamberry. It has the capability to communicate with everyone else trapped here--as well as record your dreams."


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