oz ★ 009

Oct 10, 2009 11:02

Who: Oz and anyone else
Where: Espoir
Style:  Either, you pick~
Status: Open

It was a rush of a thousand things at once, it seemed.  Alice's arrival, Vincent's words, that party and ... and then that seal.  It had all happened so fast, a rush of happiness then utter despair.  The worst part was having to keep it all hidden beneath that cleverly crafted ( Read more... )

ada vessalius, kohaku (nigihayami kohaku nushi), raiden, kazuki hihara, !location: espoir, oz vessalius

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Comments 99

sis_roadroller October 10 2009, 16:12:08 UTC
Rin was just out and about. It was strange to be without her brother, but even Voc@loids needed their alone time. Not that she was using said time to plot and scheme, not Rin. She'd never do something so terrible as that.

Okay, she would. And she was.

The little blond robot was happiest when she was being devious, and so she hummed a tune as she walked and played with her Dreamberry.


timeticksaway October 10 2009, 19:47:39 UTC
At that point Oz had already resorted to using his fingers to try and play the instrument. The notes were broken and sharp and completely intolerable to his ears. Why hadn't he taken longer to try and find the string-plucking device?! .. However, after a few moments or so, his ears had picked up on a tune. One that was together and most definitely not coming from his violin. No, it was a song and vocals, to a degree anyway, and --

He lifted his head in said direction and tilted his head curiously at the nearby girl.


sis_roadroller October 10 2009, 20:54:20 UTC
She was about to pass him by without notice but something made her look up at the last minute.

"Yes? Can I help you with something?"

Rin noted the instrument in his hands for a few seconds before turning her eyes back to him.


timeticksaway October 10 2009, 22:57:14 UTC
Oz blinked, not having suspected that he would get caught so easily staring. He laughed sheepishly, hand leaving the instrument to rub the nape of his neck.

"Ah, no, not unless you have something I could use to play this with," he admitted honestly and gave a meek glance down at the violin. He hadn't been able to play one for over six months now.


genki_trumpet October 11 2009, 01:56:13 UTC
Hihara stretched, coming out of his cottage, when he heard the distinct sound of plucking on a violin. It was a bit clumsy of plucking, and at first he thought that maybe it was Kahoko, but when he turned to the direction the sound was coming from, he saw that it was a boy not too much younger than him (probably Kahoko's age, come to think of it).

Smiling anyway, he walked over and waved.

"You play the violin?" he asked.


timeticksaway October 11 2009, 04:17:32 UTC
Oz paused, glancing up when he heard the voice. To be honest, he hadn't noticed the other boy until he had spoken, so the blond was, needless to say, a bit startled. Regardless, he allowed a smile to seep onto his expression as he gave a swift nod.

"Mhm! I haven't for over half a year now, though." His eyes slipped back down to the sad instrument in his hands. "I just now found one here, but it's missing something." He gave a shrug, poking the taunt strings with his fingers.


genki_trumpet October 11 2009, 04:24:10 UTC
Hihara thought for a moment. "Edward-san and Austria-san have a music shop, they probably have some bows there."


timeticksaway October 11 2009, 04:28:53 UTC
"Huh...I guess I'll have to look there tomorrow." Oz gave another shrug but grinned nonetheless. "I've never met them, though."


onkittypatrol October 11 2009, 03:28:27 UTC
Ada had taken it upon herself to go on a bit of an independent streak and explore the world for a few hours before going back to the apartment. Ever since living in Somni, she couldn't help but think she didn't visit the village enough. Immediately it came to her that she should probably visit her brother and Gil while she was in the area.

It was with that goal in mind that she passed by the fountain, and continued walking a few paces past it before realizing that she passed a familiar head of blond hair. Turning on her heel, she was very pleased to find Oz faster than she thought she would.

However there were a few things she wasn't happy about. For one, he was alone. And two... he seemed to be missing an important part of the violin he had in his hands. Nonetheless, she quickly covered up her minor displeasure as she approached him with a smile, "Brother! Are you well?"


timeticksaway October 11 2009, 04:20:12 UTC
Oz had almost pulled a Gilbert and leaped into the air from stun upon hearing his sister's voice. The mark on his chest, residing on three, constantly burned his eyes every time he blinked, as if it was engraved upon his eyelids. It wasn't a settling feeling, and he had gone out here to think and clear his mind before he slipped up and allowed anyone to find out about his issue and now. And now Ada was standing right there.

"Ada~! ♥ Yes, I'm doing well. As is Gil. How about you? How's the apartment with Minako?" He grinned, setting the violin down beside him for the time-being.

He wasn't feeling bad about not getting a chance to think alone. No, he was feeling bad for having to lie blatantly to his sister, right to her face. ...Maybe he really did deserve his fate after all.


nameless_river October 11 2009, 16:36:30 UTC
Flying above the village and enjoying the height, Kohaku's ears picked out something in the silence; the plucking of an instrument's strings. His curiosity piqued, he flew silently down, following the noise.

When he caught sight of Oz fingering the violin without a bow, he was slightly surprised; he'd had no idea that the boy had one. Quietly, he settled onto the ground just inside his field of vision, gazing quizzically at Oz with the eyes that looked too human to be in a dragon's head.


timeticksaway October 11 2009, 20:46:26 UTC
Oz's acquiring of a violin had been a recent event, so it wasn't a surprise that this information was new to people. Despite it, Oz perked up some when he felt eyes, of some sort, watching him. His gaze lifted from the instrument to peer to his right, then left, and then paused at the forward. At first, his instinct was to sprint away but -- oh, perhaps he ...

"Ah, hello~!"


nameless_river October 13 2009, 17:56:41 UTC
Shifting quickly to human form, Kohaku smiled at Oz, then made his way closer to the boy. Despite his friendly smile, his eyes were more curious than anything.

"Hello, Oz." he greeted the boy politely. Then, his eyes shifted to the violin. "I didn't know you owned one of those. And...why aren't you using a bow?"

He was sure there was a good reason, but best to let Oz confirm it.


timeticksaway October 13 2009, 18:32:42 UTC
"I found it the other day," Oz proceeded to explain, tipping his head back to the right so he could smile up at Kohaku. "There wasn't a bow with it," he added quickly in order to finish off the questioning. "'s kind of hard to play without one, though."

Sheepishly, the boy lifted his free hand to scratch near his chin shyly before sparing a glance down at the lonely instrument. "You wouldn't happen to know where one is, would you?"


wrathless October 16 2009, 02:25:22 UTC
[But, somehow, things were happening far too quickly again. It's stifling, and the intensity of it takes away his breath. Just like that.

Without waiting for an invitation, he sits himself down next to him, pausing only to give his nails a thorough look-over. A listless glance hidden behind a mask of indifference. He sighs, and leans back.]>

... kidnapping people is not a very nice thing to do.


timeticksaway October 17 2009, 19:58:37 UTC
[ Oz had still been trying to figure out to play this godforsaken instrument when the other boy's voice caught his attention and ripped him back into reality -- oh, when had he gotten here? ]

Eh...? Kidnapping?


wrathless October 17 2009, 20:17:01 UTC
[That instrument is, indeed, godforsaken. He huffs in an exaggerated manner.]

Did Mr. Kidnapper hit his head?


timeticksaway October 17 2009, 20:18:23 UTC
[ Blinking, because oh Oz, you're so innocent. ]

Me? [ No, the person behind you :| ] Ah, you're mistaken, then! I just ... live here, I suppose.


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