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Comments 44

dissidentt September 6 2009, 19:06:20 UTC
Although the monsters and sandstorm had surprised and unnerved the Renegade, they weren't completely out of the norm for him, considering the world he came from. The intensity of the storm, true, had been nothing he had seen before, and the these monsters were far more deadly. All of this made for quirked brows and a desire to figure out just what made this strange place work.

So at the first chance of slipping away from the safe point he had begrudgingly been staying put in, Yuan did such. Only to encounter a few monsters along the way and pick up a few gauges on his arms in turn.

Perhaps coming out was a bad--

"The hell?" He brought his hand up to cover his mouth as he coughed into it, having caught sight of what looked like a monster-feud. And with a few, morbid-curious steps, he drew closer.


shitcrazy September 6 2009, 19:16:42 UTC
Any demon learned to devour their opponents quickly, but it took a little extra time when trying to save bits and pieces of them. Deciding there was far too much to make it worth carrying back all of the shell, Bat made quick work of everything but the pincers, ends of the feet, and the top half of the main body casing.

When finished, he turned back into his human self and began dragging the casing with the other bits piled inside back in the direction of the hideout. (Flying it back would have been out of the question.)


dissidentt September 6 2009, 19:22:59 UTC
Yuan had paused only after a few steps, if only to watch with a twisted fascination at the destruction of one of the monsters. He had been set on heading back to try and find that blasted church again ( considering he had become a bit disoriented), but the transformation wiped clear those thoughts.

That certainly put a new twist on things. Despite the unsettling churning of his stomach from having witnessed something so grotesque, his teeth gnashed. "How is that possible?" he questioned, perhaps just a bit too loudly for the setting.


shitcrazy September 6 2009, 19:39:21 UTC
At the voice, Bat froze. He hadn't made out everything said, and the sandstorm made it difficult to pick out scents in the air, but there was definitely someone nearby. Eyes narrowed, the demon scanned the area until he picked out the other man.

He scowled. "You wanna gawk some more? I could always use seconds."


shiftwo September 6 2009, 23:21:48 UTC
Today was not a good day to be a monster. Little Quote was on the go and killing monsters was something he was very good at. The fact that he wasn't missing any limbs yet made him think so, even if the wind had got him rid of his cap.

He spotted the fighting monsters from a distance and checked the neckerchief around his face. The knot was still tight, meaning he wouldn't lose it in the following fight. Holding his machine gun steady, the robot crawled towards the place where the victor had dragged its prey into.

When it came to relatively humanoid creatures, Quote allowed them a warning. Monsters, though, could expect a 'shoot first, ask never' treatment, as he demonstrated with the barrage of energy blasts directed at the devouring creature.


shitcrazy September 7 2009, 06:36:38 UTC
This wasn't Bat's first monster of the day, but he wasn't going to lose out on the opportunity to feast on actual flesh while it lasted. As the first of the blasts hit his wing, he instinctively pulled both of them around him.

"Bastard!" He hissed. "What do you think you're doing?"


shiftwo September 9 2009, 23:11:10 UTC
The monster talking instead of retaliating was... unexpected, most decidedly. Quote blinked, lowering his gun, and stared for a moment or two. He pulled down the cloth from his face.

"You're a monster," he replied, as if that'd explain everything.


shitcrazy September 9 2009, 23:16:49 UTC
"And you're an imbecile." That explained everything just as well as far as Bat was concerned. He landed, shifting back to human form as he did. "Don't you know what sorts of people live in this town?"


thecoolestsoul September 7 2009, 00:14:29 UTC
At least if there was one thing Soul would be useful for in a place like this, it was defense. It wasn't as though he happened to like having to fight stuff off just to go out and try to make sense of things, but there seemed to be no avoiding it. He kept his left arm transformed into a scythe blade--this way, he wouldn't lose time in a fight by having to change it back and forth, but fighting on his own here kind of worried him.

Soul eventually reached the industrial sector of town, and incidentally, just in time to see what, through he haze, looked like a monster hauling off another monster. Weird.

He approached carefully.


shitcrazy September 7 2009, 06:39:19 UTC
The actual hauling was more easily done in human form, and Bat changed back into this now. While stronger, his demon form could be difficult to walk in, much less grab and pull things.

He managed to small his eavesdropped first this time before he saw him, and he stopped to turn in that direction with a scowl. Could he not be left alone to hunt today?


thecoolestsoul September 8 2009, 03:33:50 UTC
Soul's shoulders relaxed as he saw what appeared to be a normal guy turning in his direction. Must've just seen him wrong, the boy concluded. He shouldn't go skulking around like that.

"Oi," he called, "how's everything over here?"


shitcrazy September 8 2009, 03:41:52 UTC
((*smell his eavesdropper - man, I don't know how I managed to mess that up and not notice it))

Bat raised an eyebrow. That wasn't the sort of question he was expecting, but he wasn't going to complain. "Oh fine." He smirked and continued to drag the pieces of crab shell along the ground. "As well as it can be, anyway, given the weather." Perhaps better than it was for most.


subsisted September 7 2009, 01:48:29 UTC
Someone was watching Bat.

Raiden kept a silent vigil over the beast. After the recent incident with the fire truck, Raiden had volunteered himself to go back out into the waning storm and search for more wayward individuals. But with the desert monsters running rampant through the city, it was difficult to distinguish some of the ordinary citizens of Somni, those that had extraordinary abilities, with the more malevolent inhabitants of the barren dunes.

He hmmm'd to himself. There was only one way for him to tell the difference. Somni-ites were generally sentient; desert beasts were not.

Raiden stepped carefully, silently to the other side of the wall and slowly drew his blade, allowing it to hang from his fist at his side. He knew the beast would hear the distinct sliding of metal against metal. It would be enough to attract the bat's attention ( ... )


shitcrazy September 7 2009, 06:42:38 UTC
Lots of people were out today, it seemed. Bat raised his head at the voice, blood dripping from sharp fangs. If this one was going to be as much of a bother as the others...

"Always," he growled. "I'll let you live on glorified dirt for weeks on end and see how you like it."


subsisted September 7 2009, 06:50:29 UTC
Raiden regarded the bat carefully, possibly giving the impression of a piercing, penetrating gaze through the lights of his visor. Eventually, he gave a low heh and, with a few fancy flips and twirls of his blade, tucked the weapon back in its sheath.

"Not an Embryon," he observed bluntly, his voice low and level. He took a couple careful steps to the side, circling around Bat very slowly.

"Not a desert monster, either."


shitcrazy September 7 2009, 07:04:32 UTC
"How astute of you." With a swirl of energy, the demon became human again. He wiped blood from his lips with the back of one hand. Bat was obviously unimpressed despite his words, and he sat on the remains of the monster's carcass impatiently. His meal would be getting cold.

"I'm also not a specimen for you to observe." And the sooner others started figuring this out, the better.


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