*Dist* 002

Apr 05, 2009 00:01

Who: Dist the Rose, Anyone
Where: Government District, Scientific Research Lab
Style: Third
Status: Open

[[OOC: Okay. So, after totally messing up the first time and then having a knee-jerk panic reaction, let's see if I can get it right this time!]]

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!location: somni, anise tatlin, dist the rose, luke skywalker

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Comments 14

gurugurugungnir April 5 2009, 12:03:57 UTC
Anise, meanwhile, had been exploring the area a bit. She was intent on bringing Ion exploring, but she was equally intent on not bringing him anywhere she hadn't thoroughly checked out herself first. It was still "exploring" if he hadn't seen it, right~? But that's when she'd seen it.

The pinkish hair. The tell-tale gleam of the glasses. The movement that just screamed "I'm flamboyant!" at the top of its lungs.


She thought briefly about if approaching him was a good idea. After all, he might have been from a point where he was an enemy! ...But on the other hand, he was also sort of kind of her friend.

The thought faded when she spotted him entering the rusted gates from afar- She'd been meaning to explore that building eventually anyway, hadn't she? So she followed behind, opening the gates as quietly as possible and tailing him from a reasonable distance. Metal Gear Anise!


charmingpet April 6 2009, 01:49:05 UTC
Dist did not notice Anise stalking him at all, so focused on taking apart the machinery and exploring their inner workings. Soon enough he was on the floor, surrounded by parts and muttering eagerly to himself as he tinkered with each part like a child does a toy.

"Fascinating, absolutely fascinating!" Dist purred. "This is quite unlike any fontech I have ever seen before... I absolutely must get to the bottom of it!"


gurugurugungnir April 6 2009, 02:10:02 UTC
He was like a little kid. How had he ever gotten a rank so high?

She grumbled to herself, somersaulting unnecessarily to come to rest in a prone position under a table. Her view of the bespectacled rose man was not blocked at all by this position, and she continued watching his obsessive disassembling of the machines.


charmingpet April 6 2009, 04:05:09 UTC
"Hm, hm, hm," Dist hummed to himself as he fiddled around with the machinery, detaching wires before attaching them in other areas. He took parts out and replaced them with other parts, as if he were putting a puzzle together through sheer trial and error.

After a few long moments of this, he stopped and flicked the on switch on the device in front of him. It sparked slightly before it gave off a soft glow, the gears turning slowly as energy pumped through it.

"Victory~!" Dist declared, triumphantly. He wasn't sure precisely what it did yet, but giving off pretty lights certainly counted as doing something!


jedi_in_the_sky April 5 2009, 21:23:59 UTC
Luke had been itching for something to do, ever since he finished putting Samus' suit back together. He hadn't had much of a chance to work on much of anything since coming to this strange place, and getting to work on Samus' suit had been a relief, even if he didn't know what he was really doing. Now that his inner tinkerer had it's second wind, though, he couldn't sit still, and he found himself hurrying out that day to an abandoned tool shop. With his arms burdened with bags and bags full of tools, he was about to find one of those antique vehicles and see if he could upgrade it... when he heard the squeaking of the gate ( ... )


charmingpet April 6 2009, 01:53:32 UTC
[[OOC: Sorry, italics error!]]

Dist had already made himself quite at home inside the building, busying himself with dismantling and examining the machinery about him. He continued to use his fonic artes to instantly simulate tools, which was all they were good for. He wasn't at all like Jade, able to blow up things with the force of a god's wrath.

But then, a delicate touch was just fine for his needs.

"I see, I see...," Dist murmured, as if he could see something in the pile of wires and parts. "Yes, if I... oooh, yes, that most certainly... hmhmhm~!"

The fontechnician was so lost in his little world that he didn't even notice Luke staring at him.


jedi_in_the_sky April 6 2009, 02:08:04 UTC
"How are you doing that?" Luke found himself asking before he could stop. Only a few seconds later did he realize that it probably looked bad, following the man around, but... too late now.


charmingpet April 6 2009, 04:10:16 UTC
Dist nearly jumped out of his skin before he whirled about to stare at Luke, holding the device he had been working on to his chest. He noted that he did not recognize this strange young man, then scowled and adjusted his glasses.

He was really getting tired of people startling him! It seemed that ever since he first arrived, people kept sneaking up on him! And it certainly wasn't because he wasn't paying attention - he wasn't unobservant, they were simply sneaky like ninjas.

"Doing 'that'?" Dist repeated, slowly. After a moment, realization dawned on him. He held up his finger and summoned a small fire fonic arte, the flame flickering on his finger tip. "This? I'd be a fairly poor genius if a small fonic arte could get the best of me!"


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