Pao-lin ❁ 001

Dec 09, 2011 21:00

Who: Pao-lin & somarium!
Where: Somni.
Style: I'll happily match you.
Status: Open ( Read more... )

!location: somni, pao-lin huang, ivan karelin, amelia wil tesla seyruun, keith goodman, kotetsu t. kaburagi

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Comments 36

congratulating December 10 2011, 02:14:39 UTC
Miss Dragon!

[ His heart is filled with so much glee that another of his friends has come to the city. This makes him wonder about Sternbild and if everything there is safe, but, but, he can believe in Barnaby's abilities.

Flying down from soaring through the sky, he hovers a little bit in the air as he lands on the ground while in a standing position. He gestured about with his hands. ]

It is good to see that you are all right. It is good that you are here!


boltfumaster December 10 2011, 02:54:08 UTC
[It certainly didn't take long to figure out who that voice belonged to, and it was a huge relief to hear at all right now. Relaxing her body, the electricity is quick to fade from Pao-lin's hands and her eyes regain their natural green tint.

She's still a bit confused, but can't help a small smile at the sight.]

Mister Sky High! What's going on? This... doesn't look like Sternbild.

[The smile drops quickly, replaced by a worried frown despite his apparent ease.]

Where did everyone else go? They couldn't have all just vanished like that!


congratulating December 10 2011, 02:56:10 UTC
We are in a dream, and we are dreaming. This is not Sternbild, because it is not Sternbild! This is Somarium.

[ He gestures about the area as though that explains everything. Sky High does pause, though, holding his chin. He looks around before pointing to the ground. ]

This is Somni in Somarium. It's a district, I think.

[ Huh? ]

No one vanished. They are safe and sound! You need not fear. After all, we are Heroes!


boltfumaster December 10 2011, 03:08:12 UTC
[A dream? That elicits a strange look, because this had to be the most vivid dream she's ever experienced, not to mention one of the strangest. Sky High as her dream guide? On top of that...]

I don't remember falling asleep though. So how can I be dreaming?

[This was just getting stranger by the minute. She perks up at the next bit, relieved.]

Everyone's okay then? Ah, but they aren't here with us. Is that because I'm dreaming?


justicestriumph December 10 2011, 21:24:24 UTC
[Amelia's just walking around with a basket of fruit, munching on apple when she sees an unknown girl with looks like power radiating from her. Amelia stops. Maybe tyhe girl's new like she is? Go with the friedly apprach first.]



boltfumaster December 10 2011, 23:46:18 UTC
[Thinking she's found the source of the noise, Pao-lin pivots on her feet quickly, defensive stance dropping slightly when she spots the girl before her. Her greeting had been innocent enough, and the food in her mouth certainly didn't make her look very bent on destruction.

Taking a small step forward, the young hero offers a tiny shake of the head in acknowledgment.]

Ah, hello! Could you tell me where exactly in Sternbild we are right now? I... don't exactly remember anywhere that looked like this.

[A fact which is extremely worrisome, considering her occupation. She had experience in all three Stages, so what was this place?]


justicestriumph December 11 2011, 00:02:59 UTC
You're in Somarium now.


boltfumaster December 11 2011, 00:51:46 UTC
[Insert extremely puzzled look here.]

I-I've never heard of a place called Somarium, so how in the world did I get here?

[Whispered more to herself as she attempted to activate her call wristband:]

...More importantly, where are the others?


fiveminutefail December 11 2011, 05:42:24 UTC
[Guess who's just noticed the little kung fu master? This old man right here.

He approaches with carefree strides, intent on greeting her and explaining the situation to the best of his bumbling ability, when he notices her next power activated in full force. The air sizzles and sparks around her, and he can't help but remember the last time he actually did see her, when those sparks were aimed at him.]

Dragon Kid...? [He holds his hands up, grin uneasy.] I-its just me! You remember me, right?


boltfumaster December 12 2011, 00:33:22 UTC
[Now that is certainly a welcome sight. She nearly grins at the sight of the older hero, but stops short at the words coming from his mouth.

After a moment's pause, she comes to the conclusion that it was meant as a joke -- albeit not a very funny one considering the past. She stomps one foot in a childish manner and pouts before crossing her arms over her chest.]

That's not a very funny joke, Mr. Tiger!


fiveminutefail December 13 2011, 03:09:12 UTC
[He breathes a sigh of relief at her mention of his name, but that quickly changes into a confused and defensive look. He leans down, pouts and crosses his own arms.]

But I'm not joking! [A pause, his put deepening.] And I'm not trying to be funny!

[Now would probably be a good time to explain their situation, but instead he just backs off a little, a hand going to his chin to rub at his beard in thought.]

So you're from the future too, then... [Helpful, isn't he?]


boltfumaster December 15 2011, 01:50:04 UTC
[She's a bit hesitant at first, considering the source is Kotetsu -- who's known for his joking -- but starts to reconsider until he opens his mouth a second time.

At that point she's not sure if she should be in awe at his claim... or if she should just consider it to be another of his jokes.

The pout doesn't fade from her face and there's a distinct whine to her voice, but there's no anger behind her words.]

Well if you're not joking, then what do you mean 'I'm from the future too?' You're really strange sometimes, Mr. Tiger!

[Maybe he's going senile in his old age or something...]


wow this is late.. ;;; popuphero December 14 2011, 05:13:41 UTC
[Ivan's trying his best to adapt to this strange new town, so he's taken to wandering in an attempt to get to know the layout a bit better.

But what, or who, really, he found was not something he was expecting to happen on this day.]

D..Dragon Kid? [Approaching her with caution, just because she seemed a little unnerved. But he understood. Arriving here had really thrown him off, too.]


pffft it's never a problem! c: boltfumaster December 15 2011, 02:46:28 UTC
[Pao-lin nearly releases the electricity in her hands on pure reflex before she realises that the voice belonged to one of her fellow heroes. At the sight of Ivan, the worry begins to dissipate, because not being alone here (wherever here even was) is certainly a step up.]

Origami! Did we get separated from the others somehow? I don't really remember what happened...

[Pause. Frown. More confused babbling.]

... I know! Do you think this is the work of a powerful NEXT?


phew, thank goodness. I fail at life sob. |D popuphero December 15 2011, 18:58:03 UTC
[He hesitates, but finally, he steps closer, shaking his head.]

No, we didn't... [Pausing, rubbing the back of his head as he tries to find the words to explain.]

I don't know if it was a NEXT or not, but....we're in a whole other world now.


nooooo never! boltfumaster December 16 2011, 23:11:48 UTC
[If it had been someone else telling her this, she probably would've taken it as a joke, but Ivan wasn't exactly the sort. Her frown merely deepens in response.]

But ! We were just in Sternbild, with everyone else...

[She puts her hands on her hips and adopts a childish pout.]

If we didn't get separated, where are the others then?

[Not that she's not glad to see Ivan, but...]


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