Noel | REBEL 9

Dec 06, 2011 19:39

Who: Noel Vermillion and somarium
Where: Somni's Shopping District
Style: Any

So you know how people have been waking up lately to the smell of peppermint? And how candy canes just randomly pop up everywhere? Pretty annoying, right? Did Noel think it was annoying? Hell no. This is, like, the best thing ever! With her ( Read more... )

!location: somni, elliot nightray, noel vermillion

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justicestriumph December 7 2011, 12:26:19 UTC
[And guess who she just crashed into?]



unsureazure December 7 2011, 19:56:14 UTC

[OH SNAP. Noel falls back with a spectacular THUD, and ends up dropping all her things. Sob why does her life suck. After a brief moment, she slowly sits up, rubbing the back of her head.]

O-Owww... I did it again... Um, I'm really sorry! Y-You're not hurt, are you?


justicestriumph December 7 2011, 19:59:48 UTC
[Amelia sits back up, rubbing her head. At least it was a soft landing with all the snow...]

No, I'm fine. It was my fault, should've looked.

Are you okay?


unsureazure December 7 2011, 21:42:02 UTC
[Noel nods. Yeah, she's okay, but...]

I should've watched where I was going too, though---

[Oh wait a sec. Noel glances around. Her bags and boxes were scattered around the snow-covered sidewalks, with a myriad of Christmas decorations and gifts strewn about.]

O-Oh no! You've gotta be kidding me...!

[fdlkjgh She quickly scrambles to gather everything together...]


justicestriumph December 7 2011, 22:16:30 UTC
Here, let me help.

[She gathers a few boxes together.]


unsureazure December 8 2011, 19:59:57 UTC
Oh, um... Thank you!

[Once Noel gathers the rest of her things, she accepts the boxes after she manages to get back on her feet.]

I-I'm glad we were able to pick them up quickly... It'd be bad if the decorations got soaked by the snow!


justicestriumph December 8 2011, 20:50:27 UTC
It's okay.

Do you want me to help carry some of it?


unsureazure December 9 2011, 21:31:21 UTC

[Wow, no one's ever asked to help her out before... However, she shakes her head.]

I-I don't want to trouble you... Besides, they're, um... not really that heavy.

[She doesn't really seem to be struggling with carrying them all, but the sheer amount of stuff she has probably would make her a walking disaster. After all, she's going to end up running into people again.]


justicestriumph December 9 2011, 22:13:49 UTC
But there's so many of them, you'll probably crash into someone!

Really, it's no trouble.


unsureazure December 12 2011, 03:15:56 UTC
W-Well, um... If you really insist, then... here...

[Noel holds out the stack of boxes in her hands.]


justicestriumph December 13 2011, 19:41:49 UTC
[Amelia receives the stck of boxes and holds them like it's a very light load.]


Where were you going?


unsureazure December 14 2011, 17:53:10 UTC
[Great. Because those are the lightest ones she has.]

Ummm... I was going back to my house so I could decorate it with the stuff I bought...


justicestriumph December 14 2011, 21:48:25 UTC
Lead the way!

[She look at the stuff.]

By the way, why are you celebrating?


unsureazure December 15 2011, 03:45:17 UTC
[Noel nods and starts making her way back to the estate... and blinks when the girl asks her question. Oh... She's probably from a world where Christmas didn't exist or something.]

Oh, well... During the winter season, it's tradition to decorate houses for Christmas, which is on the 25th. I-It... also happens to be my birthday, so...


justicestriumph December 18 2011, 14:11:35 UTC
Ah, so it's like celebrating the start of winter?

[She smiles.]

Early Happy Birthday!


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