She knew he'd be there soon - Remus was always great for keeping his promises - and had pointedly waited for him near the door. As much as she had hoped that he wasn't rushing just for her, Isabelle appreciated it; she couldn't name too many of her ex-boyfriends who would actually go to that trouble just because she looked less than great on a simple phone call.
Admittedly, she couldn't name many ex-boyfriends who had actually been privy to her having a minor breakdown.
No sooner had Isabelle opened the door and confirmed that it was, in fact, her darling sweet boyfriend, did she throw her arms around his neck for a tight hug. Confirmation that he was really there, that he wasn't just a figment of her imagination after everything that had happened.
She was in his arms before the young man even had a chance to react or properly greet her.
And while he doesn't believe that he at all deserves this kind of treatment after having disappeared from her life for three weeks (even if it was by no fault of his own), Remus can easily conclude this was exactly what Isabelle herself needed, so there would be no arguing there. Besides, as selfish as it may seem, it was a pleasant relief to be back with her again and to have this closeness restored after so long.
Inwardly, the poor boy was just happy that she hadn't found someone new and more exciting and less like him while he was asleep.
"Isabelle..." Holding her close, Remus gave her long hair a small, reassuring stroke as he spoke softly to her. "I'm so sorry that I haven't been here for you."
It didn't matter that they weren't even in the house. It didn't matter that he hadn't been able to say a word. It didn't matter that he'd been asleep for three weeks, or that he had unintentionally missed her birthday, or even that nothing seemed to be going right. He was there right then - he had made that concerted effort to be there for her the very moment that he could.
With her face buried against his shoulder, and his words telling her that he actually felt bad for something he couldn't even control, it was all she could do to keep from crying right then and there. Biting the inside of her lip, Iasbelle reluctantly drew out of the embrace, snagging his hand to pull him out of the doorway and up towards her room - at least there they could have a little privacy.
Though Remus had obviously found himself uneasy and concerned the very moment he'd heard her depressingly sad tone on the voicemail she had left for him while he'd been sleeping, it was now with the girl's unusual silence that he found himself distressed over her state of mind even more than before.
It wasn't at all strange for him to be the quiet, shy observer in most social situations (outside of time with Isabelle and his close friends, of course), but for her it was different. She had always been a social butterfly in comparison to him, eager for casual conversations with anyone and more than happy to innocently flirt around. Her silence was more worrying than anything else.
Still, he waited until they were in her room and away from any prying eyes and ears to speak. "What happened?" He squeezed her hand tightly in reassurance that he was there with her, but he refrained from any other physical contact until he could get a little more out of her. From the way she was acting, he assumed the news she had to give was bad.
Comments 33
Admittedly, she couldn't name many ex-boyfriends who had actually been privy to her having a minor breakdown.
No sooner had Isabelle opened the door and confirmed that it was, in fact, her darling sweet boyfriend, did she throw her arms around his neck for a tight hug. Confirmation that he was really there, that he wasn't just a figment of her imagination after everything that had happened.
And while he doesn't believe that he at all deserves this kind of treatment after having disappeared from her life for three weeks (even if it was by no fault of his own), Remus can easily conclude this was exactly what Isabelle herself needed, so there would be no arguing there. Besides, as selfish as it may seem, it was a pleasant relief to be back with her again and to have this closeness restored after so long.
Inwardly, the poor boy was just happy that she hadn't found someone new and more exciting and less like him while he was asleep.
"Isabelle..." Holding her close, Remus gave her long hair a small, reassuring stroke as he spoke softly to her. "I'm so sorry that I haven't been here for you."
With her face buried against his shoulder, and his words telling her that he actually felt bad for something he couldn't even control, it was all she could do to keep from crying right then and there. Biting the inside of her lip, Iasbelle reluctantly drew out of the embrace, snagging his hand to pull him out of the doorway and up towards her room - at least there they could have a little privacy.
It wasn't at all strange for him to be the quiet, shy observer in most social situations (outside of time with Isabelle and his close friends, of course), but for her it was different. She had always been a social butterfly in comparison to him, eager for casual conversations with anyone and more than happy to innocently flirt around. Her silence was more worrying than anything else.
Still, he waited until they were in her room and away from any prying eyes and ears to speak. "What happened?" He squeezed her hand tightly in reassurance that he was there with her, but he refrained from any other physical contact until he could get a little more out of her. From the way she was acting, he assumed the news she had to give was bad.
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