Elizabeth I 001 // A Grand Entrance

Oct 02, 2011 20:25

Who: virgo_regina and somarium
Where: Espoir
Style: I'll match. ALSO! The log can be responded to via dreamberry because she's being recorded as well!
What: Good Queen Bess arrives to Somarium... she is not happy.
Status: OPEN! Again, you can respond to it via video/voice/text or what not since her dreamberry is recording her as well ( Read more... )

james potter, england (arthur kirkland), !location: espoir, gwendolen chant, sigmund freud, ken hidaka

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[Video] chokowaffle October 15 2011, 20:13:45 UTC
[Was that...? Oh, this might be interesting. England's queen was now here. She simply did a curtsie to welcome her and show respect.]

Your highness, you're in a dream world called Somarium. My name is Belgium. I'm sure England will be happy to see you here.

[And she now realizes...]

Ah! Uhm... I'm the country personification of Belgium so... There's quite a few of us. I just thought you might like to know that right away. I know, it's a little... odd.


[Video] virgo_regina October 17 2011, 05:28:30 UTC
[This girl was claiming to be a country, that was a new one.]

England is here? How quaint, he should show himself so that We may have a proper wedding.


Re: [Video] chokowaffle October 17 2011, 06:53:04 UTC
That's right.

[And now you got her to choke.]

E-excuse me? A-A proper wedding? [She doesn't like that idea.]


[Video] virgo_regina October 17 2011, 06:55:08 UTC
If you are Belgium, as you so claim, has England not told you that We are married? My, what a remiss husband. [Yeah, Elizabeth is just going to torture this child for amusement right now. What nonsense this girl spouts.]


[Video] chokowaffle October 17 2011, 07:02:50 UTC
[And it works. She's trying to keep a calm face on, but now she's really starting to hurt. He hadn't said anything like that. That was important to mention. Was he just..? No, he couldn't have been. He was the one who asked to 'court' her. She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly to calm down.]

I'm... terribly sorry but... he hadn't said a thing about that to me.


[Video] virgo_regina October 17 2011, 07:09:44 UTC
[Good, if she knew she would relish in it. What utter nonsense and unhelpful tripe from this girl in her time of need. She was Belgium? And England was here?]

Then maybe you simply aren't worth telling, Belgium.


[Video] chokowaffle October 17 2011, 07:14:19 UTC
[Belgium wanted to me a good first impression, but apparently that failed. England wouldn't leave her now that Queen Elizabeth was here... Would he?]

I'm sure there are reasons. Is there any way I can assist you, your Majesty?


[Video] virgo_regina October 17 2011, 07:15:35 UTC
[Time to get information, enough of the torture teasing.]

What do you know of this place, Mistress Belgium?


Re: [Video] chokowaffle October 17 2011, 07:22:22 UTC
I know plenty. I've been here for about 10-11 months now.

This place is called Somarium. Somarium is essentially a dreamworld. I've been told that our life back home stops while we're here, though. As far as we know, there are no ways out aside from the occasional disappearances that happen here. That's still a mystery as to how that works and completely randomized.

This place also brings people back after they left from time to time. Sometimes you remember everything that happens here and the people you've met previously. However, there are times that people don't remember a thing from their last visit and start out with a clean slate.

That phone that you should have is called the Dreamberry. In it, you will find a contacts list that holds every name of everyone who is currently here at Somarium. If a name disappears, it means that they have returned home and are no longer present in Somarium.

Is there anything else I missed?


[Video] virgo_regina October 17 2011, 07:43:31 UTC
[Elizabeth had no proof this child was telling the truth. However, the strange device they were talking through, this... mid-day nonsense. And a child claiming to be a country. That was certainly a new one. Still... she needed more. A dream? This was a dream?]

How is this a dream, it is no dream of Ours.


[Video] chokowaffle October 17 2011, 07:52:09 UTC
If you don't believe me, ask anyone else. They'll tell you the same thing. I've told you the basics of this place.


[Video] virgo_regina October 17 2011, 08:06:43 UTC
[Oh, this child did not just get snippy. Elizabeth's eyes narrowed.]

So you did. But it is difficult to believe when someone claims they are a country. [And Belgium, of all places. Belgium.] Think, for a moment, girl. Do you understand anything you have decided to say?


[Video] chokowaffle October 17 2011, 08:10:04 UTC
[Despite how hard she was trying not to, she did.]

Is that what this is about? I figured you probably wouldn't believe me. It seems to be rare here, but there are other nations other than just myself. If you don't want to believe me, I guess that's your choice. If you must, call me Bel or Belgiё.


[Video] virgo_regina October 17 2011, 08:29:27 UTC
It is about being told We in a dream as if that is a daily occurrence! [Elizabeth's voice took on that tone. That tone she used when she broached no idiocy, no lies, no secrets. It was the voice of a Queen defending herself and her people.] It is a matter of being separated from Our people and Our country and some child claiming to be a country that Our actual country is here as if it were some comfort. We are away from Our people, girl. This is not a matter on what name you prefer, it is about Our kingdom! [Because by God, how could she possibly believe that she would return as if no time had passed? What lunacy was in this place?]


Re: [Video] chokowaffle October 17 2011, 17:01:55 UTC
It's hard to get used to the idea of it, that's for sure, but I'm not lying to you. I don't lie to people. I wouldn't especially lie to you of all people. That would just be reckless and stupid of me.

I merely stating that there are other nations here beside myself and if you don't want to accept that, than that's your choice.

I'm away from my people too. I need to be there for my people just as much as you need to. I also have a little sister and a big broer that I need to keep an eye on back home. Do you really believe I'd choose to be away from them, even if broer is a pain at times? Your people back home will be fine and nothing will come to harm them while you are here. That goes without saying unless you include people that are here at Somarium, who are in the same danger as anyone else here.


[Video] virgo_regina October 17 2011, 20:33:04 UTC
But you are a country, young Belgium, your people live on you. Or did you forget that countries are masses of land? [She was sick of this nonsense.]

Your people, yet you do not rule. Enough...

We will hear no more of your insanity, child.


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