Search and disaster

Jul 19, 2011 07:24

Who: Lloyd and Eridan
Where: Floating mountain
Style: First
Status: Closed

[No matter how long he's been here, Lloyd still hasn't given up his search for the other side of the Otherworldly Gate. There's been nothing so far, no sign or evidence that it even exists, but that hasn't dampened his motivation in the least. It's out there, and he knows it. He just hasn't looked in the right place or at the right time just yet.

Thanks to Cid, though, he has a new place to look. The old pilot had explained how to get onto the floating mountain just a few days before the flood. That mountain has always intrigued Lloyd. Besides the fact that it's floating, it also seems to be stuck right in the middle of the barrier that separates Somarium from the desert. Maybe that means something!

Learning to use the Skyrunners, then dealing with the flood, then Zelos's dream and everything after, had distracted Lloyd at the time, but now the restless teen has nothing demanding his attention. He's been moody and he knows it. Zelos still hasn't come back after moving out of the apartment, and his friend's continued avoidance has been rubbing him raw. Underneath that, though, he knows the real problem lies somewhere else. That dream...

He doesn't want to think about it. He doesn't know what to do. How do you change a future that's already happened for someone else? It's been eating at him from the inside for days now, and still no solution has come up. He needs to take a break before he snaps.

And there's the floating mountain, waiting for him. Calm, peaceful, away from everyone else, someplace he can focus on a completely different task. Sooner or later, he'll find a way home.

He'll start with the forest first.]

eridan ampora, lloyd irving, !location: floating mountain

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