In reference to the
signal post and
Moon Cycle 35 post.
Since we're still gauging how many characters will be using the school system, we're going to use this general post first for a kind of "sign-up". This is by no means official and is merely being used as a reference point. Also, keep in mind that everything is assumed/handwaved.
NOTE! This is also completely optional. Characters DO NOT have to attend school if they don't want to. This is only just another opportunity for possible character plots and giving characters something to do during their stay in Somarium.
There are two school campuses in each district. One is a private school and the other is public. Colleges are included, and they are all in the Government (5th) and Business (3rd) districts.
Remember, this is just a general "Hey, my character will be in school!" type of sign-up post. Feel free to choose either or just leave it ambiguous. There is no need to figure out the specifics right now.
The same goes for teachers/staff. Feel free to just say "My character is totally a teacher 8D" and leave it that. If you actually know of a specific position or class that they would probably teach, you can include that as well. Once again, no need for specifics since this is just a general reference post.
Once we make an official post, then we'll ask for specifics.
So to make this a little bit simpler and more organized, there will be three threads: Questions, Students, and Staff/Teachers. Please respond to the appropriate thread.
Also, this is not binding. If you change your mind later, no sweat! Likewise if you're not certain but want to, go ahead and place the character on there.
You can even use this post for future plottage, so just have fun with it.