All right guys, it's time for the activity check!
The activity check is just to filter out and remind people about being generally active in the game.
Note: We've reformatted the requirements section to try to make it more understandable and clearer to read. This is to hopefully help reduce some confusion that we've had in previous ACs. If you'd like to compare it to the previous formats, you can refer to the
September AC here. Feel free to give us feedback in your comments to the AC! IMPORTANT! We only changed the format. Content and requirement wise, everything else is exactly the same. The only difference is how it looks so there is no need to panic.
❖ requirements
To pass the activity check for the month of October, the entries/threads must date between October 1 through October 31. Threads which were started during the last week of the previous month are acceptable so long as a majority of the comments occurred during the current AC and were not used during the previous AC.
You must provide links to ONE of the following three options:
1 Post + 15 comments or more.
2 Posts + 7 comments or more.
20 comments or more.
Post: EITHER Log or Journal entry.
Comments: 2 (or more) threads made in response to other character entries. The total comment count must be at least 15.
Example: Post | Thread (character 1) | Thread (character 2)
Posts: 2 of EITHER Log or Journal entries.
Comments: 1 (or more) thread made in response to another character's entry. The total comment count must be at least 7.
Example: Post #1 | Post #2 | Thread
Comments: 3 (or more) thread links made with at least three completely different characters. The total comment count must be at least 20.
Example: Thread (character 1) | Thread (character 2) | Thread (character 3)
ATTENTION! Please note the following:
- Posts. By "post" we mean entries made by your character. The maximum number of entry posts (Journal or Log) allowed is two. Linking only entry posts will not work-there must be at least one thread made in response to another character's post.
- Comments. The comment count is for your character only. If we require 7 comments, that means 7 comments from you.
- Threads. All thread-only links must be made in response to another character's post! Do not link threads made within your own post. They will not count.
- Voicemail. Threads in Voicemail posts count as threads, not posts. They can be used as threads even if they are from your own character's voicemail.
- Comment spams. Comment spams only count as one comment. So even if it's a 3 part comment chain (1/3, 2/3, 3/3), it only counts as one.
ADD-ONS: If you play an Add-On character, you must provide links for either 1 post + 5 comments OR threads that total 10 comments.
Remember, only count your character's comments. More than the required number of threads is allowed, so if you need to use, say, five thread links instead of two, that's perfectly acceptable. We would, however, prefer to see some length in the threads.
If you have any questions or need any clarification about this, please feel free to ask a mod. Everyone must post below with the above requirements in order to pass the activity check.
❖ exemptions
If your character(s) fits into any of the following criteria, you do not have to post on this Activity Check and are exempt.
- Any players/characters who were accepted in the following application cycles: October 1 - 7
- Any players/characters who are currently on hiatus. Those who posted on somarium_ooc with the hiatus tag are not exempt.
- If you were on an extended hiatus that lasted for most of this month, talk to one of the mods or comment here on the AC. However, we do keep a log of all the hiatuses, so we will also keep those who were out for extensive periods in mind.
- Slowatuses are NOT exempt.
❖ strike system
If you do not have the required activity, don't worry. Remember to comment to the AC with what activity you do have to show that you are, indeed, active and we will make note of this. In previous ACs, those who were incomplete were removed but this will no longer be the case. Now they will be given a strike instead, and they will be allowed to remain in the game. Remember that those with a strike will need to completely pass the next AC or their character(s) will be removed even if they have incomplete requirements. You only have one chance. Unlike baseball, it's two strikes and you're out. So you must pass the next AC. We cannot stress this enough.
So here's a step by step guide:
- Post with incomplete AC. You have threads, but by the time the end of the AC rolls around, it's still incomplete. Maybe you're shy a few comments or couldn't get that one thread or post in. But you tried! Does this mean you're out of the game?
- Receive ONE strike. Nope! You're still in, but we'll be making note that you didn't actually pass the AC. So what happens next?
- Pass the next AC or be removed. You must pass the next AC. If you do not, even if you give us a partial AC, you will be removed. If you do pass, then the strike will be removed and you will have a clean slate. This means you can theoretically take a strike in a future AC.
- Cannot just "take" a strike. Meaning, you must provide is with some links to some activity. You cannot just comment to the AC you will take a strike instead. We must see some good effort on your part.
- If on hiatus... If you're on a necessary hiatus for the next AC, the strike will carry over to the following AC. So for example:
- Strike in August --> Hiatus in September --> Must pass October.
You will have to pass that next AC after the hiatus. Do not try to use hiatuses to skate by the AC-we will notice.
- Receive the strike at the END of the AC. Meaning, you will only get the strike if your AC is incomplete at the end of the AC, not the moment you post. If you currently do not have enough, but you know that certain threads will reach the requirements or you'll be able to edit/add in more later, you are more than welcome to go ahead and post whatever you have now. You will not get a strike if whatever you link manages to meet the reqs before the end of the AC. Again, we only tally up strikes at the END of the AC, not the moment you comment. Therefore, it's better to at least have the comment in and be incomplete with a strike, than not comment and be removed by not commenting at all.
Please note, we will notice if a certain character is taking a lot of strikes. If we do see this, we will contact you and see what's up.
We also realize that sometimes it can't be helped. RL can throw wild curve balls, so we will understand if explained. But if this happens constantly, we will recommend players to lighten their load or drop from the game to focus on what's more important.
These are the journals who currently have one strike, so they must pass this AC or risk being removed.
black_dogstarcomponeredere_reitendungeongeekhunt_jackalsneed_a_handotakufanrengepaxivalicepink_star_riderpurethingsonlyreelyexcitedsable_reposetallandbustythatpeskyninjaviiinote ❖ do not meet requirements
If you do not meet the requirements don't panic! The check lasts for one week, and during this time you can make whatever posts and threads you need to pass. If you find that you are too busy right now with RL concerns, you can go on
HOWEVER! Keep in mind that if you decide to go on hiatus during the AC, you will have to participate in the following AC. The exception is if you're on hiatus most of the month, etc.
In addition, with the implementation of the strike system players are not to go on hiatus to simply avoid the AC or avoid receiving a strike as we will be looking over previous activity during the month. This is not to say that you are not allowed to go on hiatus at all during AC as we do understand that real life comes first and sometimes it cannot be avoided. We are basically trying to reduce the number of hiatuses taken just to avoid the AC.
❖ AC comment form
Comment to this post using the following template:
**KEEP YOUR COMMENTS IN ONE THREAD!** This will make it a bit more organized.
❖ final notes
IMPORTANT: Do not make a post or go on hiatus to dodge the check. Please do not sit on characters if you don't think you'll be able to play them.
We will make another reminder as well as provide a "Danger List" midway through the week.
AC CHECK ENDS 11:59 PM (CST) October 31. This means you have all through that Monday to meet the requirements before the AC closes.
If you have any problems, talk to any of us mods (Laena, Mart, and ally). We'll be more than happy to work with any issues you may have.