Special Permissions Post Directory

Jul 26, 2018 20:27

special permissions post directory
Due to the increased number of characters who require special permission posts, this directory post should help both current and new players to keep track of who has what. We do encourage players to also link and direct any new players to their own posts.

what are they?
Special Permissions Posts are different than the generic Permission Post we provide. These are only for certain characters who may have potential godmodding abilities and would need player permission before using such abilities. If your character does not need a special type of permission post, then you do not need to post here.

They can be formatted in any way that would work best for the player. If you're not sure, feel free to look at those who have already commented.

Just copy the following form and reply to this post!

Character: Character whose Permission Post this is for |
Special Permission Post: Here.
Extra: OPTIONAL - Any specific notes or quick reason why or what the permission post is about you feel could be helpful for other players.

We will remove any comments and links from players and/or characters who have dropped from the game.

profile meme, directory, !mod

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