Applications are only open for the first two weeks of the month. That is, from the 1st through the 14th. Applications close at exactly 12:00 AM (
CST) on the 15th of the month. Any applications
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[Age] Twenty-Two
[Personal Journal] wire_birdcage
[Other characters currently played] Toothless / How to Train Your Dragon / hasnoteefs
[Character name] Crona
[Age] Between 13-15, I figure.
[Canon] Soul Eater
[Point in time taken from canon] End of Chapter 32 (equivalent to the end of Episode 31, kinda).
[Background] Link!
[Personality] Crona is never given a specific gender. In fact, Atsushi Okubo, the creator of Soul Eater, seems to take great joy in keeping the kid's gender ambiguous and cockblocking those of us who are curious for characterization as opposed to whether or not the kid has a wang. But that's beside the point ( ... )
[First Person]
What do you think of your home world?
...i-it's nice.
If someone provoked or attacked you, what would you do?
I wouldn't... really have a choice in it, Ragnarok would attack back, usually.
Would you consider yourself a power hungry individual?
I didn't know power was something you could eat...
Someone is trying to rob you! What do you do?
I-I don't know how to deal with being robbed...
Would you consider yourself a hero or a villain? Why? Neither is an option as well, but still tell why.
...I-I don't really know, I ... know I'm not a hero, b-but I don't really know if I'm a villain or not... B-but, probably.
You have two options: either save your friend who is hanging from a cliff, or chase after the bad guy who put them in a position. If you choose the former, the bad guy will get away and it will be hard to catch him. If you choose the latter, the cliff will crumble and the friend will fall to the spiky rocks below. What do you do and why?
...d-definitely save my friend. B-because I don't have ( ... )
Weather had never really been something that truly bothered Crona; the teenager just sort of ignored stagnant heat and precipitation alike. By virtue of this, umbrellas were completely beyond them, to the degree that when the frigid wind blew the contraption out of their hand and upwards in a way they were relatively certain it wasn't supposed to bend, they chased after it at an awkward shuffle and attempted to figure out how to fix it for about ten minutes before finally giving up. Leaving the partially-dismantled accessory where it lay, the slender teen stood and hugged one arm to their side, frowning around their soggy hair. It wasn't so much the rain that bothered them, and more the fact that wherever they wound up they were going to be wet and dripping for a while without the umbrella.
Not that the umbrella had been doing much in the first place, as the fabric of Crona's dress from about the knee down had gotten soaked through in no time with the thing. So there was dripping either way ( ... )
[Why do you want to play this character in Somarium?] Crona is my favorite thing ever. Seriously. atoli got me into Soul Eater back in February and I rather promptly fell in love with the character because they're so unusual. Whereas most anime/manga characters in Crona's archetype would be "fixed" and stay as such, Crona lacks enough of a spine to continue to make their own decisions and because of it is more or less unfixable on a permanent level. It makes me happy for no reason. >_>; ...nevermind that I lust after Duski's Maka. Constantly. /creeperface
[Which rule was your favorite and why?] Stiiiill the first one.
[Where did you hear about Somarium?] atoli. :D
[Any questions?] Hmmmmnnnope.
- Create a character journal (if you haven't already)
- Join somarium, somarium_ooc, and castleofdoom
- Comment on the Taken List and Contact List to be added.
- Comment on the Friends Add and follow the entry's instructions to add/remove characters into/from your friends list.
For the following three steps, please use the an LJ-Cut and the 'Date Out of Order' option. If you do not know how to do so, refer to this post. This is just to prevent f-list flood spam.
- Fill out the Profile meme and post it in your journal (and use an lj-cut).
- It's not required, but if you want, you can create a Voicemail entry in your journal.
- Introduce yourself and your character at somarium_ooc (don't forget the tags!)
- Be sure to read about the Dreamberry and the Posting guide so you can read about the journal entries and how to format logging entries properly before posting in the main RP.
- Hop over to somarium and start roleplaying 8D ( ... )
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