You're all off partying in that bloody castle without me, aren't you? AREN'T YOU?!?!!!!!
Riku, I'd think you would at least have the courtesy to invite your BOYFRIEND!!!
And Axel, you'd better not be getting it on with Roxas because I'll know, remember?
Goddamn all you bastards with your ridiculously sexy pleather jackets and stupid exclusive boy's
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Comments 49
Chill out. Do you have any idea how suffocating this castle can be, man? Saix suggested we go see Saw IV and relax for once. So Riku and I went. No biggie.
Come visit us. Castle's not that far if you take the tram to Betwixt and Between. We could use some cheeriness around here.
And I wanted to see Saw IV too. With Riku. So I could freak out and hide under his arm.
Tram. TRAM? *looks around* Oh yeah, let's see. Ocean, ocean, ocean... I'M ON A FUCKING ISLAND, AXEL.
OOC: Seriously though, when Rue and I weren't crying and hiding our faces from the screen, we were laughing our asses off. xD
I think our little artistic prince, Riku wants to draw a comic about it. It'll be sure to send you into a grin. We were manly, oh yeah baby.
Under his arm? Puh-leeze, your face would be buried in his crotch. OOC:LOLOL WE DID THAT WITH RUE'S AXEL AND MY ROXAS PLUSHIE XD
YEAH YOU'RE ALSO THE KEYBLADE MASTER. Stick your keyblade into some keyhole (getcha mind out of the gutter) and unlock a path to the castle. For someone who's gonna "save the world" you sure are blunt.
...keyblade...maste... OH FUCK I AM AN IDIOT.
This bloody castle is as dull as a door knob.
Relax kid. You aren't missing a thing.
All I do is sit on my arse all day, and play poker online.
I presume, not your idea of fun, neh?
You think of something better to do, throw out the suggestion.
Jeez, kids these days. . .
*grumbles* I'm not a kid! All you guys ever do is pick on me. *pout*
While those two went out to the movies I was here, by myself. I would have come to visit.
Come over ANY time, Roxas. Please, gawd.
I can see you are just dying for company. I'll come visit you really soon, alright?
Wait...did you say 'blow them together'? O_o
You'd better. Or I'll start masturbating constantly. I bet having a constant erection would keep you on your toes.
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