Title: Six Futons
Fandom: Kanjani8
Characters/Pairing: Maru/Yasu (kinda XD)
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 200
elyndys gave me
this picture for the prompt! :D Also, if any of you want to participate, just ask one of us for a prompt! ;D
"Six futons?" Hina says. Then he counts them again. "One, two, three..."
"You'd almost think it was on purpose~" Maru says.
"I'm sure it was!" Yoko says. "But it's not like they have to try so hard..." Yoko starts to gesture to Yasu, but Subaru's the one wrapping his arms around Maru from behind. Then he moves his hips inappropriately, just to punctuate the thought. Yoko gives up, giggling.
While everyone else is laughing, Hina slips under a futon. Then Ryo, then Ohkura, then long before Maru notices any of this happening, he leaves to wash his face, then comes back and realizes he's the odd one out. Futonless.
"You don't need one!" Yoko says. "You get all sweaty when you sleep anyway. You can air out!"
"Hey!" Maru says, weakly. He knows they're all teasing him, and at least half of them would let him share if he asked. But, facing his options, he settles in with Yasu, slipping under the futon quietly since Yasu is already asleep.
Or, so it seems. Under the futon, Yasu drapes his arm across Maru's stomach, squeezing his hip playfully and Maru squirms a little before he settles into a nice, warm sleep.
Title: Forgetting
Fandom: Kanjani8
Characters/Pairing: Hina/Maru
Rating/Warnings: PG-13
Word Count: 465
Inspired by the
HOT PV preview! *____* And the fact that
Maru obviously needs to be a sexy hitman now sldkflkj Pardon the angst? ;D
After dark, Maru lies still in his hard hotel-room bed. Not sleeping, just listening to the footsteps outside. He counts his breaths, moving his chest deliberately. It looks just like he's sleeping.
The doorknob turns and Maru's chest tightens. He keeps his hand under the pillow, finger locked in the trigger of his gun. They're not getting around the lock, they're opening the door with a key. But, it's never hard to get one of those, you just have to know the right thing to say.
Someone steps inside, so quietly that Maru knows he's a professional, too.
"It's me," the man says, in a whisper. For the first time all night, Maru stops counting his breath.
"Shingo?" he asks. Shingo is already setting down his things on the table, a set of keys, a jacket. Maru watches his silhouette next to the window.
Shingo sits on the edge of the bed, the cheap mattress groans under his weight.
"You're not going to make me janken for the bed are you?" Maru whines. It feels good when Shingo laughs, and he sighs like some of the pressure is leaving his shoulders. Maru doesn't ask about tonight because when it gets to be past 3 AM, he doesn't have to ask how it went. And he'd much rather hear Shingo laugh.
"Idiot," Shingo says, leaning back and cuffing Maru on the side of the head.
Maru smiles his brightest smile even though Shingo can't see him in the dark.
"I didn't do it," Maru says.
"Of course you didn't."
"But, I will."
"You've been saying that for the last year," Shingo laughs.
Then, Shingo's pulling off his jacket, loosening his tie, climbing on top of Maru so that his knees are on either side of his waist. Maru was right not to ask because the harder Shingo presses their bodies together, the worse it was out there tonight. He lets Shingo pull the covers down, lets him pull his robe open. The room is warm, and the ceiling fan wasn't helping anyway. Less so now when Shingo's chest is against his, long fingers digging into his hips, so hard that it hurts in just the right way.
Maru listens to the footsteps of the people outside. Always aware of the position of his gun under the pillow. How he could slip his finger onto the trigger. With his eyes closed. Without making a sound.
But, he doesn't want to be able to do that so easily. Maybe he'll say it for two years, maybe three. He'll stop this and get a proper job. Have a proper life.
He groans into Shingo's mouth against the low creak of the mattress. Then he closes his eyes and lets Shingo make him forget.