Title: Waiting for The One to Come
Author: Ivy
Rating: G
Disclaimer: This is fake, fake, fake.
Charaters: Sidney Crosby, Ray Shero
Notes: Throwing my two cent into this entire zomg tradecentre 08.
Ever since he had set his sights on him, he knew he had to get him somehow.
When Sidney heard about the trade that robbed him of his two best friends, he was furious. But that quickly subsided after that second when he found out who came in return. It was him.
Sideny had to bite his tongue to not show the hundred-watt grin waiting to plaster all over his face. Right now he has to throw on the 'I-just-lost-my-best-friends-but-it's-for-the-greater-good' face.
He looked around the emptied locker room, only to be filled with the now scattering reporters and the like. He walked up to his GM's office and knocked on the opened door.
"Oh Mr. Shero, why oh why did you trade away my best friends?"
Shero, behind his desk, rolled his eyes. "You know why Sidney."
Sidney pouted and did his best puppy dog face.
Shero shook his head. "What do you want Sidney. I still have a lot of paper work. Now it's not the time to whine about the trades."
Sidney coughed. "Well, as the team captain, and an injured player, I think I am the most appropriate person to go to the airport and pick up our newest addition to the team."
"You mean additions," said Shero, emphasising the plural of players that were coming to his team.
"Yeah that," Crosby nodded eagerly.
"Sure, sure. That's a great idea actually. Go talk to the people downstairs. They'll let you know when the flight arrives and all that. Just don't make a deal out of it, since the airport is a public place and you're a public figure."
"Got it boss."
Sidney turned around and quietly closed the door behind him. He looked left and right to make sure no one was around before he did a fistpump. Now he really really hoped Shero can resign the newly acquired right winger.