I'm making a list of dramas that I've watched. It may be useful for anybody who's looking for other things to watch. I'm only including kdrama, jdrama and twdrama, since hkdrama is ...... no opinions. Also I usually watch way more TWdrama if they weren't so weird since I don't need to wait for subs
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Comments 7
I've never seen Coffee Prince so I'm going to put it on my to-watch list.
ISAWK is still my favorite (*POINTS TO ICON*), even though the middle part kind of bothered me. It just slowed down, but I actually liked the ending. :[ I couldn't stand the middle of Love Contract. OMG, I just skipped like 5 episodes to see the ending. I couldn't STAND how slow it was going. WhyWhyLove is actually pretty good, too! I mean, I love the cast, so. Mike He looks better in this than in DBY. :[ I'm also glad you've seen Prince Turns To Frog because most people I've talked to haven't seen it and I'm like, "Am I making this drama up?"
Anyway! Weren't you watching Corner with Love? And I'll start on Fairytale from Wonderland one of these days since you put a heart next to it.
The only Korean one I've watched is Lovers in Paris. :[
I think I did warn you about Love Contract and how slooooow omgwtfisgoingon it is. It was so WEIRD. .___. It was the second drama I watched (minus MG1&2) so that wasn't a good track record for twdrama x)
HAHAHA oh geebus prince turn to frog was such a bad series - bad guilty pleasure :(. the magicians of love was even worst.
I guess I should watch WhyWhyLove - only because those three are in it. I can't be THAT bad.
Oh FYI, Fairy from Wonderland is like 40 episodes... So you'd need time to watch it! I obvs skipped and fwded parts. But then I do that for a lot of things.
Yeah I was - it's WEIRD. I'm trying to finish those two twdrama so I can like... move ON. It's almost a year since Toyko Juliet aired, and I'm still not done with it.
YEAH, you were the one who told me that it was super slow, but I really like Ariel and Mike so I was willing to give it a shot. I couldn't take it. Also, I hate it when Ariel plays mean characters. I mean, she's good at it, but I don't like it. :/
The thing with WhyWhyLove is that Kingone is like Jiro... they never get the girl. Well, I don't know about WhyWhyLove yet because it hasn't finished airing, but you get the sense.
You're the first person I know who didn't like Full House. :o
I watched one episode of Tokyo Juliet and stopped. I also watched like 10 minutes of Let's Get Married and got tired of it. LOL.
40 episodes?! Yikes. I guess that's a winter break project.
I agree about Full House and Goong S. Pretty weird dramas. I know Goong S got bad ratings, so it's understandable, but Full House? Why the heck is it so popular?
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