Title: Tales from the Pensieve
Summary: It’s 1979: Remus Lupin’s trying to find somewhere to live. Sirius Black is taking far too many risks. Peter doesn’t feel he’s taking enough responsibility whilst James and Lily struggling to keep a handle on things.
Characters/Pairings: James/Lily, Remus/Dorcas, Peter/Marlene, Sirius/Marlene, Albus
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Comments 2
Also, though I was considering it originally, I was reading Order again, and Mcgonagall said they really do pick like one every three years, it's not easy to get into...so I didn't want it to seem easy for Sirius, as though if he wants it he'll have to apply again sort of idea
(and I'd imagine if it wasn't for Azkaban and the war, he'd work really hard to improve so he could get in...but that's obviously unable to happen :( )
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