Title: Tales from the Pensieve
Summary: It’s 1979: Remus Lupin’s trying to find somewhere to live. Sirius Black is taking far too many risks. Peter doesn’t feel he’s taking enough responsibility whilst James and Lily struggling to keep a handle on things.
Notes: Remus centric and Marauder centric with lovely little cameos from other members of the
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Comments 2
Poor Remus -- everyone knows that something is wrong, but he's trained them too well not to ask questions. :(
And that's interesting with Peter and Marlene! I wonder why exactly she doesn't want people to know they're together -- is she actually hiding something herself?
I'll be looking forward to more updates. (I really like the title, too.)
Thank you, I've wanted to write this for a really really long time because this is my favourite time period in the HP world. I hope I can do it justice.
Poor Remus -- everyone knows that something is wrong, but he's trained them too well not to ask questions. :(
Remus is a liability to himself. If he just told them he was homeless and stopped with his "Idon'twanttobotheranyone" existence he'd probably have less to worry about...
And that's interesting with Peter and Marlene! I wonder why exactly she doesn't want people to know they're together -- is she actually hiding something herself?
*winks* I've got it all figured out. :D
I'll be looking forward to more updates. (I really like the title, too.)
I've already got Chapter 2 down and an outline for what I'm doing with my chapters (Which I have never done for fic before, even Not Quite The Slow Lane hasn't got an ending planned out) so this should be a regular occurrence.
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