
Jul 25, 2011 22:04


# We accept claims for anime/manga and video game.
# You can claim: (a) An entire mangaka/gaming franchise; (b) An entire series; or (c) A single character.
# If you choose to claim either (a) or (b), you can only icon the same character 5 times max, and no more.
# Only one claim each round please.
# You may not sign up for the same subject two rounds in a row.
# Every icon made for the challenge must feature a single character. Body parts of someone else will still be allowed, but your subject must remain as the focus.
# Cross-post your icons to this community only when you're done with your whole set. Please provide us with three teasers and write a clear subject of your claim. Tagging will be handled by your mods.
# Your icons should remain public.
# All icons must be fresh and made specifically for the challenge. Do NOT use someone else's works in any way (graphic edits/adjustments, other people's colorings).
# Fanarts are not allowed.
# Icons must fit LJ standards: 100x100px or less, 40KB or less and in the following format: .PNG, .JPG, .GIF.
# If your set contains any NSFW material, please warn us beforehand.
# Bashing will not be tolerated.
# Please respect other people's preferences.
# If you want to use an icon made in any of the rounds, please follow the rules set by each particular iconist.

Rules are subjective to changes at the discretion of maintainers.


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