Not precisely what I'd intended my first post in months to be...

Mar 02, 2014 10:20

...but here's an attempt to translate Koki's tweets about Jin.

すっごいたくさん色んな質問来ますが、僕自身は何も知らないので、逆に僕の影響みたいに言われて驚いてるぐらいで。 勝手な事は言えないので何も言えませんが彼は人に影響されてってタイプの人ではないし彼の言葉と行動を信じて応援してあげて欲しいです。 当たり障りない事しか言えなくてゴメン

Lots and lots of questions are coming, but since I don't know anything, I was on the contrary surprised that people seemed to say that I had some influence on this. I can't say things randomly so I can't say anything, but he isnt' the type to be influenced by people so I hope you'll trust his words and and actions. I'm sorry but that's all I can say.

僕も知ったのは皆さんと同じタイミングなので 今までの彼を見てきた方は今後の彼を信用して応援してあげてくれればいいと思います 一番踏ん張りどころだと思うので 良くも悪くもとてもピュアな彼ですから。 またネットニュースみたいのになりそうで凄い嫌だけどあくまでも個人的意見ですすいません

Though I only found out at the same time as everybody, I hope that people who have come to see him until now will trust him in future and support him. Because he is steadfast, and for good or ill he is a very pure person. (Though I hate that this seems to be getting to be net news again*), this is absolutely just my personal opinion.

(*okay, this was incomprehensible because of the typo he references in the later tweet.)

別に迷惑ってわけじゃなくて、共に闘ってきた戦友ですから ただ彼なりの決意なわけでそこに僕こ影響だとかは関係ないはずだから 才能ある彼なんでまたみんなを楽しませてくれますよ 何もしてあげれないけど今後の幸せを全力で祈るし影ながら応援します

I don't want to cause any trouble, because we have struggled together as comrades. But this is just his own determination, and has nothing to do with my influence. Because he is talented, he will surely delight you all. I can't do anything for him but will in future pray for his happiness and support him from the shadows.

誤字ってるけどな 大事な所で誤字る! The 田中クオリティー! それよりもまたネットニュースになんのかなぁ 嫌だなぁ 彼の為にも騒ぎ立てたくないじゃん? ネットニュース好きだし批判してるわけではないんだけど田中聖が言及!みたいな重苦しいのはね それよりコスプレ公開!とかのが楽だ

I made a typo, though, in an important place! The Tanaka quality! "Apart from that it will probably become net news again, so unpleasant." We don't want this to cause uproar for him, do we? I like net news, and it's not a criticism, but I prefer news like 'The cosplay starts now!' to awkward news like 'reference to Tanaka Koki'.

Context for non-fans: over the last 24 hours it has emerged that Jin has left Johnny & Associates. Koki was kicked out about half a year ago.

When I told Ally about it yesterday, his comment was "So maybe now he can do a collaboration with Koki." :D

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