Characters: Ni'ci, Robin, Sam, Tyrus
Content: Robin is less graceful than normal
Setting: the airport
Warnings: I du'know, Robin can get a bit raunchy...
Robin was roving through the root network with the unconscious ease of one who had been traveling that road for centuries. )
Comments 26
His ears flicked when Sam spoke, and he, too, had heard something, but shrugged the small noise off as something he could easily kill, if it came down to it. Besides, he had the human as a distraction. With a defenseless human like that, it would be easy to trick anything that came his way.
That, however, meant he did have to follow. He couldn't use a distraction if it wasn't around to be used. Whuffing a low breath, he licked his chops, and tongued the baby food off his muzzle, before sitting up once more, stiff with the undercurrent of pain still lacing through his body even though he'd gotten used to such things, and padded after the human.
Given the architecture, Robin could guess that humans had done quite a lot of work here, more than likely wiped out the older forests, but the state of things suggested that they had been absent for some years. The network of vines around him held no memory of their presence, which was unsurprising.
They had mentioned other new arrivals, however, and Robin found that interesting. When Robin asked for the location of these others, he noticed that three of them were quite close and currently coming in his direction. He giggled to himself and stepped back into the vine-tree, disappearing from view.
Sam laughed as they turned the corner and entered the atrium. "I guess the next thing on the agenda is finding out more about this place so we can find out how to get home, huh, Ni'ci? It can't be that hard, can it?"
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