I spam because I care

Oct 31, 2009 17:29

So I was going through past entries looking for inspiration for Nanowrimo (which is in hours asldkfjlj) and ignoring the fact that I need to study for my exam and I came upon this piece of utter PWP that I'd written some time back. It reminded me of a recent conversation with Sarah wherein we talked about kinks, my secret possession of some hard, kinky...kinks, and the sad lack of satisfaction for such in the Akame fandom. This fic was most likely borne out of such frustration. I post this now in the hope that this will change I'm looking at you, Sarah

Title: Untitled
Pairing: Akamepi
Rating: NC17
Disclaimer: No profit was intended or made. The following is entirely fictional.
Summary: PWP. Yamapi likes Kame. Kame likes Jin. Jin knows he doesn't understand.

Jin is the dumb one. Dumb, compared to Yamapi, who goes to college in his black, wire-rimmed glasses and collared shirts with thick textbooks on subjects like supply and demand and men named Adam Smith; dumb, compared to Kame, who understands what a person's thinking before they do and knows the right moves and glances and words to prepare for when they do.

But Jin still knows some things.

He thinks he almost knows what this is: Kame stripping off his Dolce and Gabbana briefs to his right, Yamapi nude and watching him with a type of hunger. It's a threesome; Jin figured that out the first time Yamapi kissed him and Kame was there to catch him when he stumbled. But there is something more, slippery and invisible, that Jin can't quite grasp, and it eludes him entirely when Kame finally (finally) climbs into bed with them.

Yamapi slides a hand up Jin chest, pushes him backwards into Kame, who is already slick and hot. "Don't think so much. It'll hurt your brain. Isn't that right, Shuji-kun?" he asks, twisting and dragging out the last syllables.

Kame is silent behind Jin. "That's right," he says finally. He brings his head down to suckle Jin's skin, right where neck slopes into shoulder, and Jin arches up, into him, towards Yamapi.

"I think," Jin says. "I think --"

"Don't." Yamapi reaches around, and Jin waits for a hand on his cock that never comes. Kame makes a strangled sound instead, thrusts up into him, leaving a wet, cooling trail along Jin's back. Yamapi's hand bumps against Jin's spine.

"Do you like that?" Yamapi asks, not at him. They make wet slick noises that make Jin feel neglected and horny.

"Of course," Kame says like it's the most idiotic question in the world. And perhaps it is because Yamapi gives the world's best handjobs. Jin is prepared to say that, if only to get Yamapi to palm him instead.

But when he opens his mouth to say it, Yamapi does something with his hand that leaves Kame gasping. "I guess you liked that too."

"What do you think?" Kame shoots back.

Jin pouts. Kame has his eyes closed now, brow furrowed in concentration, but it's not how it's supposed to go; they always finish Jin off first. He doesn't like the change in plan, not even when Kame's making faint noises in the back of his throat like he's trying so hard to swallow them down. Yamapi is looking at Kame again, studying him like he's trying to find his secrets, and Jin only knows that Yamapi never looks at anybody else that way.

"Fuck," Kame grits out. "Wait --"

And Jin can't anymore when he turns around to look at him. He puts a hand on the nape of Kame's neck, wraps wet, brown hair between his fingers, and pushes down. Please, he trys to say with his eyes, please.

Kame sinks down with a willingness missing just a second before. Jin shouldn't gloat about it, but he kind of wants to because Kame only ever indulges him even when --

"God," Jin gasps, fingers convulsing tighter around Kame's hair, and Kame makes a painful sound around his cock that only makes Jin harder and that much more desperate. "God, you're good."

Yamapi laughs, leans in over Kame's shuddering body. "He should be. With all the practice we've been giving him."

And Jin feels Kame try to sit back up, to glare at Yamapi and maybe stalk off like that first time Yamapi accidentally suggested Kame ought to have more experience than the rest of them. Jin pushes him back down. "Ignore him. Just keep sucking. Please."

Miraculously, Kame does. Flicks his tongue along Jin's cock in a way that has Jin thrusting his hips up to meet every bob of Kame's head. Seals his lips around it so tightly that it's like Kame never wants to let go and Jin finds no reason to disagree with that, not when Kame's mouth is so hot and wet and absolutely perfect.

Yamapi untangles his hand from Kame's hair, entwines his own fingers with Jin's. Their palms are pressed together, and, as Jin tries hard not to lose control when Kame begins to hum, Yamapi presses his forefinger against his own and guides them both down, between the mounds of Kame's ass, and --

"Fuck," Kame hisses. "Fuck."

"You've got a dirty mouth." Yamapi leans in. For a wild second, Jin thinks he's going to kiss Kame, but Yamapi just grazes his lips against Kame's hair instead because Kame's buried his face in Jin's thigh, riding out the strokes of their fingers.

Jin can feel Yamapi's hand, damp from sweat, and Kame, velvety smooth and tight, walls that grip his finger and give reluctantly to their push and pull. His cock throbs with every puff of air Kame exhales.

Kame is soft and already slick with lube. Jin has to bring one hand to his cock when he thinks about Kame getting himself ready, putting those thin fingers of his inside his ass, brow furrowed with concentration. Jin wonders how many fingers Kame managed to stick in, if he had come just from the delicious friction of one hand in him and one on his cock. Maybe he had used toys and Jin moans at that the image that evokes.

He wants suddenly to see their fingers sink into that velvety darkness. Yamapi grins at him like he knows what Jin's thinking and curls their fingers inside of Kame, holds it there until Kame's pistoning his hips frantically trying to get them to move.

"We're both inside you," Yamapi croons into Kame's ear. "Would you like that? To really have both of us at once?"

Jin's eyes widen. "Wait. You can't mean --"

Yamapi silences him with a kiss. "It'll be fine. Look, Kame's not complaining."

And Kame isn't, sprawled out on the bed watching them silently as if Jin and Yamapi are just talking about their next collaboration.

Jin looks at him. "Really?" he asks, and Kame flushes pink, turns his head away. Jin almost tells him he doesn't have to take Yamapi's challenge, not if he doesn't want to, but Kame would see that as more reason not to back down.

"I hate both of you sometimes," he says instead

"You love me," Yamapi assures him.

Kame says nothing, just cants his hips up to meet Yamapi's fingers like he always does. But Kame can't fake the flush that spreads along his body, the tiny moans that means Yamapi's hitting that spot within him, the trickle of liquid that creeps down his inner thigh, and Jin's cock aches for the phantom memory of Kame's mouth.

"Where's the lube?" Jin manages to ask, catches it when Yamapi throws it to him.

"Here. Let me." Yamapi takes the bottle from him, and he does give the best handjobs even with cold gel and thin latex between them. Jin could come like that. Yamapi, who knows people, knows him as well, takes his hand away.

"No --" The rest is drowned out by Yamapi's mouth sealed over his, tongue laziliy stroking along his mouth that sends pure electricity to the back of Jin's knees. Then Yamapi pulls away and there is pure molten heat around Jin's cock.

He opens his eyes to the sight of Kame over him, head thrown back in ecstasy or pain or a combination of both, and Jin almost tells him he's beautiful. He doesn't because Kame won't believe him and Kame's male and Kame's Kame. Strong, stubborn Kame, who slides down until he's sitting on Jin's hips and he's taken all of Jin in.

Jin falls back, tries very hard not to move even though every nerve of his body's telling him the exact opposite. It's no fun if it ends too soon.

He gasps when Kame starts gyrating his hips, slowly at first as if trying to get used to the feel of him. Kame takes to it with the same concentration he does learning a new choreography, mouth pursed in concentration, circular movements turning into an up-down that -- "Kame" -- has Jin gripping Kame's hips so hard he's afraid they'll bruise, but he can't really bring himself to care, not with Kame working himself on his cock.

Yamapi is there when Jin turns his head. He kisses Jin again, languidly, timing the thrust of his tongue to Kame's downward movements. Jin mauls him in turn, needing desperately to have some use for his mouth because otherwise he'll start babbling things that have no place there.

Kame is looking at them, wide-eyed, when they part.

Yamapi smiles, pulls Kame to him -- and, god, Kame tightens even further around Jin's cock  -- and kisses a path from Kame's jaw to his shoulder. Kame makes a sound that is half protest, half pure want.

"Are you ready?" Yamapi murmurs.

"Wa-wait," Jin says because he's not sure he is, not even when Kame signals his own readiness.

They all gasp when Yamapi pushes in. There is pressure, intense pressure that gives way because Kame's taking both of them in, muscles stretching open so Jin almost imagines he can feel it even if he's not the one being opened up. The head of Yamapi's cock nudges against Jin's. It is odd and amazing and heady. Jin can feel pure electricity pool in his stomach. His toes curl inwards. Then Yamapi slides all the way in and Jin comes undone.

Kame throws his arms around Jin, and Yamapi, around Kame, both riding out Jin's orgasm. There is no need to move, not when Jin does enough for all three of them and, after an eternity (too quickly), it subsides.

He slips out of Kame with a sigh.

"Alright?" Kame asks him.

"Yeah," he says, and watches from his cushion of pillows as Yamapi hoists Kame up -- "My turn" -- and impales him fully on Yamapi's cock, Kame's legs spread out to either side of Yamapi's own.

Jin has a very good view of Kame's interest, hard and wet with precum, and of Yamapi's inner thighs clenching and unclenching as he thrusts into Kame, who gives as good back. It is harder and faster and meaner and sometimes Jin wonders why they even get together at all.

Except it's good, it has to be from the sounds that spill out of Kame's mouth and the way Yamapi has his teeth latched onto Kame's shoulder, hard enough to break skin. Yamapi really does bleed when he brings a hand up to Kame's lips and gets bitten for his trouble.

"Is that all you've got?" Kame asks when Yamapi slows the pace down, and gasps when the next thrust sends him onto hands and knees. He buckles down to elbows with the next few.

Yamapi grabs a leg, flips him over onto his back. "No. Sure you can handle it?"

And Kame chokes on his answer, writhes around Yamapi's cock that seems determined to force him wide open. They're both sweating, gasping for air, and then Yamapi shifts just so...

"Fuck," Kame gasps. His hands grapple at the sheets, seeking leverage to meet Yamapi halfway until Jin's not sure who's fucking who anymore. Yamapi leaves a trail along Kame's hip that flares white then flushes a crimson red. Kame glares at him for that; Kame hates when one of them gets careless and marks him even though he always ends up wearing long-sleeved turtlenecks after a session with just Yamapi and him.

"Idiot," Kame says now, eyes narrowed. "Bas--ta--"

Yamapi stands up, drags Kame up and over so he's practically folded in on himself to meet the new angle of Yamapi's thrusts, and the "--rd" is lost in Kame's moans.

There is no room for movement in that position, not that Kame doesn't try, kicking and squirming and finally scratching at Yamapi's arms, which are the only things he can reach. They're looking at each other, and Jin knows their eyes, dark and intense, contain some kind of message, are speaking in a language that completely eludes him.

He doesn't like it.

He crawls over to their side of the bed. They don't notice him until he lays one hand on Kame's chest, flattened out so that the desperate beats of Kame's heart pulses up his arm, so that he feels the expansion of Kame's skin with every breath he draws in.

"Kame," Jin whines.

Kame's eyes flicker to him, watches as Jin bends down and licks the scratch marks on Kame's hip. Yamapi picks up the pace of his thrusts, but it's Jin's lips mouthing a path to Kame's cock that has Kame sucking in a shaky breath.

It is desperately hard and dripping by the time Jin gets to it. Jin tries to take it in his mouth, laps at the head and tastes the slight bitterness of Kame's precum on his tongue. The angle makes it nearly impossible. Kame's pelvis bangs against Jin's head with every thrust Yamapi makes, and Jin knows Kame wants it desperately.

Kame has his head thrown back, throat a long, pale graceful arc, and he keens when Jin lets his cock slip out of Jin's mouth. Kame always needs a little bit more to cum. Cannot (or will not) just from the thrill of Yamapi's cock against his prostate, not after the insinuation of 'cockslut' that was Jin's one attempt at dirty talk, not even if Kame loves more than either of them to be filled at both ends.

Kame keens again and grabs at Jin.

"I'll take care of you," Jin promises and wraps his hand firmly around Kame's erection. He can tell, from the short rapid bursts of Yamapi's hips, that Yamapi is close, and Jin quickens the jerks of his wrist. When he bends down to kiss Kame's mouth, open and eager, he squeezes once and swallows Kame's scream.


After, the good kind of after that has all three of them lying exhausted shoulder to shoulder, Jin flops over and finds Kame still watching him.

There are rules to their game. Jin knows because Kame sat him down after the very first time and recited them to him in a soft voice of steel. There is no touching after they've all finished because Kame's oddly sensitive or so he says though Yamapi still likes to brush Kame's hair away from his eyes. There is no sleeping over. No mentioning of this outside the room. They leave when Kame bumps them in the shoulder like he's doing now, only Kame's eyes are on Jin and they are brown and warm and oddly open.

There is a message in them. Not like the ones between Kame and Yamapi. Jin doesn't understand it all the same and all he feels from looking into them is the sudden desire to kiss Kame. So he does.

Kame's fingers curl around his, softly, tenuously, and Yamapi goes deathly still beside them. Jin doesn't care though a small voice in his head says he should.

"Can I stay?" he asks.

finished, akame, fic

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