Stop... Muay Thai time!

Jun 22, 2005 23:06

I just plunked down $100 dollars to attend this 2-day seminar:

Surachai Sirisute, known as Ajarn Chai ("Ajarn" means head instructor) founded the Thai Boxing Association (TBA) of the USA. He basically created the western Muay Thai instruction system. (Americans can't exactly train for 6 hours a day like they can in Thailand) He is probably the best Muay Thai instructor outside of Thailand. Through the TBA he has spread Muay Thai to the entire world. His instruction creates some of the most powerful Muay Thai fighters in the world. He shall be giving a Muay Thai seminar for 4 hours this Saturday and Sunday, and I'm attending.

It's probably gonna be brutal... 11-4 (with a 1-hour lunch break somewhere in there) of non-stop kickboxing. I sure hope this cold that's been stuffing my head goes away by then. Even if it doesn't, nothing's going to stop me.

Damn, I need to get my bike tires fixed.


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