Thought(s) of the Day:
1) At what point does religious guidance turn into pseudo-brainwashing?
2) Why do they call it "birth" control? Why not pregnancy control? /random
3) Does exposing homophobic people to homosexual content (i.e. on television) merely desensitize them to what they deem to be "offensive" imagery, or might it actually help them
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Comments 9
(Oh, and hey girl!)
Well don't tell her that initially, that was supposed to have been it for Angel :P But thank goodness--man I loved him on his own show...
And tell her it's just fiction--it's not that serious. It's not like you asked her to shoot up crack or something.
I think that religion turns into psuedo brainwashing when they try and use that power to change the essential core of someone, of who they are.
3. A bit of both I think. It's like what we are brought up in our society - to see it as wrong. Kind of like the breastfeeding example. Totally natural and as nature intended - but people shame you in public in our culture and make you feel bad for it, y/y? On the other hand, if you were in a culture that celebrated and revered you for being a woman able to nourish your child, there would be no shame and of course, you would not even see it as anything wrong other than the simple act of feeding you baby.
That's how I see loving someone else. Being bi - (and now actually married to a guy) so. much. homophobia where I live. :( And yet, I am the same person regardless of who I happen to fall in love with.
I am so sorry about your cousin and that would have hurt me badly if I was in that position.
Straight women will generally make out with other straight women to ( ... )
First of all, I very much like your answer to my "brainwashing" thought of the day. Very nicely put. I enjoy that quite a bit, I was having trouble defining that one clearly.
Where do you live, out of curiousity? See, I live in NorCal, but besides the teenagers, it's one of the most conservative places to be, it seems. Maybe it's just my city. It's just very frustrating.
Thank you for your sympathy about my cousin. :(
And, lastly, I wouldn't go so far as to say ~beautiful lol, I'm not pleased with the way I look, but I am very pleased with the fact that you could see the blue in my hair in that picture. Thank you bb. :)
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