OMG, they make shoujo anime again?!

Jul 06, 2012 20:05

Is it just me or does it look like the creepy loli-moe-harem-shitfest seems to be coming to an end? Because for some reason the next 12 months look really good for a change. Aside from Hiiro no Kakera S2 there will be a Magi anime (hell yeah! FINALLY! It's been rumoured for a year), Chihayafuru S2, UtaPri S2, Tonari no Kaibutusu-kun and Sukitte Ii ( Read more... )

meta, fangirling

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Comments 20

uozaki July 6 2012, 20:24:12 UTC
Oooh, hey, if they do a decent version of Kamisama, I don't have to figure out what chapter I last read and can just watch the stupid thing. Maybe it'll make more sense. (And maybe I'll lose interest again. Depends who's playing Foxface ( ... )


solidark July 6 2012, 21:09:30 UTC
I'd love Namikawa for Tomoe but I'll be happy as long as it's not Nakamura Yuuichi. I won't be hoping for Sakurai Takahiro because I doubt they get him for shoujo anime these days *sigh*. People are already like "OMG please NOT Suzuken!" but I don't care as long as it's not Nakamura. Not that I hate him or something but his voice is too deep, he sounds too old and I doubt he can pull off a male tsundere like Tomoe.

Terashima = Kunzite which is SO a thing I could get behind. And if HIM, then it's a short leap by friend-associations to have Fukuyama-Zoicite, Kishio-Nephrite, and Kaji-Jadeite. ...Mamo-chan as Mamo-chan?? OMG NO AND YET YES.

YES PLS! Although I'd love me some Yusa Kouji and/or Yoshino Hiroyuki (who IMO would make a great Nephrite). Or the inevitable Suzuken, so at least we'd know for sure that there would be glorious character songs forthcoming :D

Hm... the girls? I think Mitsuishi could be Saturn, she is older after all. As for the others - frankly, I can't tell most female seiyuu apart, at least not those with the ( ... )


omg I think I found a subject I feel strongly about. babbling ahoy! uozaki July 6 2012, 21:46:58 UTC
There was a time when Sakurai would have been the default for Mamo. SIGH ( ... )


Re: omg I think I found a subject I feel strongly about. babbling ahoy! solidark July 6 2012, 22:27:34 UTC
Ano... that wasn't the Tomoe I meant! I was talking about Kamisama Hajimemashita's Tomoe (or Foxface =P). As for The Other Tomoe... any older seiyuu could do it. Although I think Miki-san would be a particularly wicked Tomoe (actually, if they could only squeeze him in somewhere I'd be happy ^o^).

I know that this is my inner sadist speaking but I think Ishida and Miyata would make two great Starlights *evil laughter*. On the other hand, Ishida as Tomoe would be deliciously creepy (seriously, no one can do creepy as he can).

Mamo as Mamo is pretty much set in my head now that you said it! Or maaaaybe Kaji (he sounds too nice for any of the Generals). Romi could be Seiya or Uranus, I think or both? And for Neptune? Sakamoto Maaya would be great IMO (which reminds me - I SO hope that they'll re-use her violin-solo *_*). I think that if they announce it one year in advance they do plan at least two seasons or more (someone in the AS forum wrote they plan to keep closer to the manga this time which means that the monster-of-the-day ( ... )


yachinami July 6 2012, 22:24:47 UTC
Holy moly, Sailor Moon is 20 years old now?

Officially feeling old. Though really, lots of things have been making me feel old lately.


solidark July 6 2012, 22:35:55 UTC
Yeah, it's kinda hard to believe. 20 years is such a long time. And when I read through the list of seiyuu, there are so many names I do recognize but haven't heard for years and years! I just realized this the other day when I listened to old Fushigi Yuugi image songs (both started in 1995). I just think that the manga aged better (both SM and FY) than most of the others, even if the anime didn't.

I know what you mean *nods*. I usually try to ignore it :(


yachinami July 6 2012, 22:48:31 UTC
It's not just the ages of series that make me stop and go "wait, this has been around for this long?" I can't help but do it with characters, too. Especially characters in their twenties, since I was probably a teenager still when I first watched/read/played it and thought "Character X is awesome! I wish I could be that awesome when I'm their age"...and then I come to realize that now I'm older than them. Tohoho...


solidark July 7 2012, 12:10:52 UTC
Oh, yes, I remember when I thought that Misato Katsuragi was practically a granny and now I'm her age (a little older, actually). It's scary! (what is even scarier, however, is that when I started listening to JPop the boygroup members were all around my age or a little younger but now when I listen to JPop and especially KPop and think that the boys are cute in the videos I feel like pedobear because, lol, when I see boys their age on the train they are basically children to me ><;;)


usisblog July 7 2012, 19:18:53 UTC
Sailormoon Remake? Krass! Dann bin ich mal gespannt, ob sie das so vergurken wie viele Animes der letzten Jahre. Wenn ich nochmal was zwischen Klamauk und Monster/Handlung des Tages wird, brauche ich das nicht. Wenn man sich mehr an den Manga hält, wird es zumindest interessant. Ich wünschte nur Mamoru wäre nicht ständig die Jungfrau in Nöten. Okay, im Manga ist er nicht so eine Oberniete wie im Anime, aber dass er ständig das er ständig mit dem Feind anbändelt, nervt auf Dauer.
Naja, Prinzessin Serenity mochte ich das erste Mal überhaupt in der Realserie. Die hatte Biss und Persönlichkeit. Diese Heulsuse aus dem Anime oder Manga hätte ich am liebsten in den Tartaros geschubbst :D.


solidark July 7 2012, 20:59:53 UTC
Ich bin eben nicht sicher, ob sie die gleiche Zielgruppe ansprechen wollen wie früher (sprich: Nakayoshi-Leserinnen) oder ob es ein Remake für die "alten" Fans sein soll, mit dem auch alte Fehler ausgebügelt werden sollen (Monster des Tages, totale Unterbutterung der männlichen Charaktere, Weichspüler der Story etc.). Und solange sie es nicht den männlichen Otakus von heute (und damit meine ich die von der unappetitlichen Sorte) schmackhaft machen wollen, ist es OK. Laut der Ankündigung wollen sie sich diesmal näher am Manga halten, was natürlich wünschenswert wäre :D ( ... )


usisblog July 9 2012, 07:06:26 UTC
Ich kann damit leben, wenn sie mit 14 wieder entwickelt ist wie manche mit 20 noch nicht. Dieses "Oh Gott, sie ist noch keine 16. Kinderschänder!" der US-Ansicht (inzwischen auch in Deutschland angekommen) kratzt mich nicht die Bohne. Vielleicht auch, weil einige meiner Klassenkameradinnen in dem Alter Freunde in dem Alter und älter hatten. So lange sie nicht eine Onegai Teacher Version draus machen, kann ich damit leben :D.

Im Moment kaufe ich mir gerade die Neuauflage in Deutsch. Wirklich sehr schön gemacht, nur manchmal etwas zu extrem am Original. Da wird Princess einfach belassen anstatt es zu übersetzen. Wir Deutschen machen halt keine halben Sachen *grins* aber es ist wirklich gut gemacht. Auch der Druck lässt sich mit den alten Manga überhaupt nicht mehr vergleichen. Da liegen -dank Tokyopop- Welten dazwischen.

Ich freue mich schon auf das ganze Merchandising *hihi*.


solidark July 9 2012, 20:44:57 UTC
Echt, ist das hier auch schon so fortgeschritten? Ich dachte, nachdem sie dieses seltsame "Sexdarstellungs-Gesetz" abgeschmettert haben, hat sichs wieder etwas gelegt? ^^;;

Hm... in die von Tokyopop muss ich mal reinschauen. Ich hab noch die alten von EMA (oder war's Carlsen?) und die Qualität war ja wirklich unterirdisch. Ich wusste auch gar nicht, dass sie es auch neu übersetzen!

Ich auch! Hoffentlich gibt's auch schönes Manga-Merchandise, den finde ich nämlich immer noch hübscher als den Anime :(


piratelicker July 9 2012, 16:24:12 UTC
i already gave up hope in seeing an otoge getting a proper anime adaptation.... maybe these shoujo manga will fare better.


solidark July 9 2012, 20:48:57 UTC
I think the main problem is that they never really go down a route (well, with the possible exception of Hakuouki because that was clearly the Hijikata-route) and so everything remains wishy-washy and the heroine never gets a decent personality development (like for Angelique and Harukanaru toki no naka de and now for Hiiro no Kakera) :/

It's not like they couldn't botch shoujo manga too... :( But unlike many people I loved the Fruits Basket anime and so I hope the same director can adapt Kamisama Hajimemashita in a way that doesn't make me want to kick the computer...


piratelicker July 10 2012, 01:57:10 UTC
the only bad thing i fear from the new shoujo manga anime is the manga is not finished yet. so probably the anime will get an original ending... OH NOES.

well AT LEAST the anime will pair the characters up just like in the manga.


kitsukitty July 14 2012, 22:03:06 UTC
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!


solidark July 14 2012, 23:03:14 UTC
Dankeschön! ♥


kitsukitty July 15 2012, 18:37:23 UTC
Ich hoffe du hast/hattest einen schönen Tag, Irgendwie stimmt die Uhr mit unserer deutschen Zeit nicht überein, oder? Hatte extra bis 12 gewartet mit dem Kommentar.


solidark July 15 2012, 18:43:55 UTC
Och, es war OK (wir waren Chinesisch essen, sonst eigentlich nix, was auch am Wetter lag, weil es ständig zwischen Wolkenbruch und strahlender Sonne gependelt hat). Ich feiere eh nie so groß.

Also bei mir steht 15th-Jul-2012 12:03 am (local), also war es zeitlich perfekt! :) Heute Nachmittag war LJ ja mal wieder offline, also ist vielleicht bei der Anzeige was schiefgelaufen?


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