::laughs:: Yes, a great deal of work went into this, but only about half of it was in deciding what to say and finding the best pictures to illustrate our points. The other 50% was in fighting with LJ's RTE in order to get the formatting how I wanted it. =_=;
Glad to hear that you thought so. :) Like we've said before, I think attempting analysis as in depth as what we're going for here wouldn't work for a lot of manga, simply because the characters aren't as well-developed as Minekura's.
The knowledge that Minekura obviously put a lot of thought into creating her characters, though, serves as a good motivation for us wanting to do this. :d
That was wonderful and fascinating and very, very well put together. Into the memories it goes!! Do you have a linky to the one you did on Gojyo? I'd like to save that one as well. Poor Hakkai. I adore him so!
Thanks so much for saying so! Our hope with this project is that it will give people a greater appreciation for Minekura's boys, and that it will give others something to chew on, if there happens to be a character they don't like or just don't "get." (So hang on for Sanzo, he's up next, in another three months ohgod I hope not. ^_~)
Comments 64
Oooo, you did a LOT of work on this !
Thanks for checking this out! :D
Glad you enjoyed reading!
The knowledge that Minekura obviously put a lot of thought into creating her characters, though, serves as a good motivation for us wanting to do this. :d
Poor Hakkai. I adore him so!
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