No witty comment.

Apr 10, 2010 23:40

Why is there 2349020349 resources for packing and shipping your crap to move, yet not one damn thing that can calculate where we'll be during the move so I can plot out hotel stays? I am not amused, life.

Best yard sale find ever, amirite?

life: moving

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star_dew April 11 2010, 19:39:33 UTC
RIGHT?! I swear, supply and demand applies to real life as well. Raaah. Dx

How much did you get it for? I'd assume it'd be a little expensive, but people give away some awesome stuff they don't know the true price of at yard sales. But FFF the fact that it's official makes me so much more jealous. ;^; I am a Ghibli whore and Totoro was the first movie by them I watched, and it got be addicted. ♥ I own it and a bunch more Ghibli films now. x) Still need Castle in the Sky, Nausicaa, The Cat Returns, and a bunch of his other old school ones. And I know Ghibli didn't make it, but I wanna see if I can find Grave of the Fireflies on DVD. Such a sad story, but my LORD is it beautiful, too.

And I would SO NOT MIND ROOMING WITH YOU, SOL. |Da It'd be so many amounts of epic fun~ We can play Abyss together and act out the scenes - I totally do that with my friends when we play together, ffff, in the characters' voices, too. Or try to. - and draw and be lame and YES CLOCK LOVE. Hopefully you can deal with me being a little messy, though. <.Who ( ... )


NO. fff I love that one so much. xD I have it, too. chiisaichou April 12 2010, 23:59:21 UTC
I just hate how they taste. 8|a

PFFT. /seriously laughed. I-I mean--I am sure you have a very cute head, Sol. 8> I think their reaction was believable, yeah, but just...ouch. He can borrow Jade's?

That's true, and I'm afraid I do prioritize those who have CR with my characters over most others, but I think that's to be said? Obviously friends come first in real life, so. I do try not to circle jerk, though. There's a Jack Sparrow here now, that I really would like to tag eventually. |Da F-Fffff...maybe. ;; I'd really like to play him openly, since he is fun. And I do love your characters sooo much. x) Ah, I can't read that, I think it's locked. D: But I will definitely look at all of those, yes! .o\ Thank you so much!! And that just proves you are a goddess~ ♥ I HAVEN'T SEEN HER ASCH, WOE. Oh, definitely. He'd have horrible mental scarring from the images. As if he needs more of that, poor guy.

Well, since it's your icon, I'll add both. c: Also I added you to AiM. Hit me up whenever you feel like it. .o/


)8 It's like Abyss meets Phoenix Wright. XD fononfailure April 13 2010, 00:14:31 UTC
They have taste? 8|a

I'M SO SMART, I CAN'T FIT IT ALL IN EVEN LARGE HATS. 8|b I'd have expected Ion, who knew Luke was a replica, to stand up for him more. But idk. Oh lordy. Prism is having his pants scared off by a Jade's Doctor Mambo icon on D_M. xDD

It really shouldn't be a surprise, but if that's all everyone does, new players will never fit in. Though tagging someone new once every couple of weeks to build CR doesn't sound impossible. J-Jack Sparrow. HIM AND DIST WOULD BE HILARIOUS. xD Then you should! Just go for it! >O And yeah, you have to join the Abyss comm. Nothing major. :|b askljfdf I'm just an information whore. As proven by my latest post. 8DD; Her Asch has been kinda MIA, but if you ever want to stalk their old threads, he's scionofhispower! \o/ Fuwahahaha! Clearly this needs to happen! >D

:'Db IMing is so very awkward for me, but I keep meaning to be on more. orz


PFFFT I'd buy that game. Also hchvvhd that icon. ♥♥♥ chiisaichou April 13 2010, 01:48:47 UTC
Yes. It's like...wet, slippery, gross...ickyness. ;;

THAT MUST BE IT. B|b I think he did? Or was going to, but Anise stopped him and dragged him away. Cursed loli...RUINING EVERYTHING. Pfft I love all the Doctor Mambo!Jade icons out there. Each one is so hilarious. xD

Too true, too true. And I try to do that, just to broaden my character's horizons and stuff. Yess! And oh man, just two posts, but I already love him. I think the players portrays him beautifully and YES. If I get accepted as Dist, I am so having those two interact somehow. IT MUST HAPPEN. I do wanna post with him to ADR or something, but...ah. ;; Maybe one day. I still have to post as Anise there, but I can't pick a song she'd dance to while cooking. 8|; I was thinking either something cute and sweet and adorable or....something completely inappropriate because you know she would. I should go do that. :|b I just read it. Whaaat. Cantabile owns. A-Aww, I shall do that, maybe. .o/ Ffff stop trying to traumatize him even more. >:\

Do ittt, since I love talking to you, ( ... )


Instead of 'objection', it'd be 'DRECK!' Can you tell I love redheads? X3 solerika April 13 2010, 02:05:45 UTC
I used to feel the same way about onions and mushrooms, but now I can eat the former and I'm working on the latter. \:o/ It just takes the right food.

DAMN YOU, ANISE. /shakes fist Even the SD skit version is scary. xD

\o I probably should as well, since I only regularly play both redheads. I flopped at Natalia, Guy, Mama Fabre, Ginji, and Estelle from Vesperia. <<; RUM AND SPARKLES, BABY. D-do eeeeeet! I promise not to throw my intimacy-deprived Fabre at yours. 8Db ...Watashi no Tamagoyaki? 200% no Jumon? XD It's got to be the eyepatch. And I did that icon meme you did. Just because. :|b /goes to harass Dist

aslkdfjsf what are you ooooon o///o I do love bantering with you though. :'D

...I have so much friggin smut of them. All kinds. Have a preference? 83


Either that or 'REPLICAAA!' Only a little. |Da soaringblast April 13 2010, 02:51:58 UTC
Oh, I used to hate both of those! Now I eat them religiously. Sooo good~ Especially mushrooms on pizza, mm~

Jade in general is scary. 8|a;;

Mama Fabre, omg! ;^; an iM roleplay I'm in RIGHT NOW, my Asch is kinda being awkward and cute with Mama Fabre. 8|; I'll be honest, I cried a little. It was sad and cute and lovely. FFF BEST COMBINATION EVER. vhchhss w-well, my original is still rather surly and mean. I also haven't exactly pinpointed where in canon I wanna take him from, either, so. :\a ...O-Oh, god, Hamtaro. D'8 MY TEETH. I-I think we have a winner, just because it's so obnoxiously cute, like Anise is. And it must be. :| Or the fact that she has boobs. /hit. ORLY? 8D I'll go check it in a second. fff he's getting trolled so hard.

Well, I found a bit of chocolate a few minutes ago... \8D/

Uhm, w-well, I'd feel dirty asking for outright smut of them even though I have some already on my harddrive, COUGH. so...maybe something sweet and cute? I-I dunno. |D;; Anything good and that you like. I trust your judgment.


rofl I like that even better. xD fononfailure April 13 2010, 03:28:07 UTC
Gee, if we throw all three together, we'll have a super healthy dish! \8D/

This is true. <<;

alsdkfjsd I love see Asch and his mama interacting~ It's precious. ♥ That's fine; we need more snippy Asches. And don't worry about choosing a time to pluck him from. That's the nice thing about playing in a DR, you can try characters from different points with the same journal. Hell, Engel was originally from before Eldrant. :|b YES! GO HAMTARO ANISE-CHAN! \8D/ I want the peanut M&Ms in the cabinet. OTL should not trust my judgement. At. All. I save the weirdest shit just for the brainbreak factor. LIKE ART SUPPLY ABUSE.


Asch's quotes in that game are so damn awesome. not_klonoa April 13 2010, 05:10:53 UTC
I'm so hungry now aaargh. Dx And I want a pizza. ffff

F-Fffff I know, it's wonderful. And my friend does a really good job at playing her, considering she's so obscure. Such a cute, adorable, and wonderful mama. ♥ Truuue, but I'm a stickler for consistency. :|a Ooh, I see. He's wonderful now, though. \o\ I've been tempted to read some of his old threads because he's so fun. FFFF DON'T DO THAAAT IT'S 1AM AND I USUALLY GET MY CRACKY IDEAS AT THIS HOUR. I am 100% certain I will now draw Anise as a Hamtaro Character. 8| The ToA cast is not safe.

Th-Those are my favorite kind! D|

W-Well then...something cute and something...saucy. |D;; I-I can't help it if those two are hot, c-cyyy.


See icon. solerika April 13 2010, 05:25:22 UTC
Ah, same here. All I had was a bland sandwich for dinner. DX

Hehe, your Asch is so very lucky. X3 Consistency is something that comes with practice, for the most part. :o aklsfdflk it's a good thing Engel doesn't have much of an ego or his head would be the size of a blimp by now. xDD BUT I LOVE YOUR CRACKY DRAWINGS. Hurray! \8D/

/shares? ;o;

They are the most delicious redheads evar~ cute and saucy! >83


Ffff. That was honestly the best one. star_dew April 13 2010, 13:32:23 UTC
:|a I should make breakfast. All I have right now is a delicious cup of orange citrus tea that's almost gone.

I dunno if she'll play her openly, though. D: I'd love her to, just because she's so sweet. Pfft, it must all be hidden by his scowl. vhchhcd W-WELL. Have another. I need to stop playing Soul Silver. 8|a;;

;o;! ♥

They sure a--awww. Luke~ ;^; ....Wow, Luke. |Da /SAVES BOTH FFFF


It really was. Even if it was heard second-hand. xD solerika April 13 2010, 18:24:28 UTC
Yes, yes you should. Boring cereal is breakfast for me. :|b

No worries~ LJ can be a scary place to play, though we're all nice at ADR! ;3; Or his smirk, hehe. alskdfj THAT'S SO FRICKING ADORABLE /SAVES ...I should list my Pokemon here some time. Or take pictures. 8|a

UNFAUNFAUNF I chose a couple of the more well known artists, since this post is open. BUT IF YOU LIKE THAT, I CAN PM YOU A ZIP FILE OF THE REST, HEHE


Then of course the "REPLICAAA" just killed me. Way to ruin the moment, Asch. :| star_dew April 13 2010, 19:27:42 UTC
I had a bagel this morning. It was good, but...yeah. Nothing spectacular. 8|b

I knooow. x) ADR's so fun because the people there are just as awesome as the place. /gestures to you. Case and point. |D ♥ No, it's definitely the scowl. ...Maybe his forehead. I...honestly get more and more ideas from my friend. |D;; We have the most random and hilarious conversations that end up to be utter crack. Just recently we were talking about what shampoo brands the characters use - DON'T ASK ME WHY - and agreed that Luke and Asch use L'Orelei. ffff /shot.

Y-Yes please and thank you. |Da ♥♥♥


HEY. At least he doesn't shout that during sex? :|a solerika April 13 2010, 19:44:09 UTC
A bagel is nothing but a donut dipped in cement. 8|b /obscure quote ftw


I'm on it~ |Db


shhcvjcjcxjd HAHHAA!! ashen_knight April 13 2010, 20:09:43 UTC
...But my bagel was good. >: It was an onion bagel with cream cheese. |Db

AS IF I'M NOT EVERY BIT AS INSANE AS YOU. 83a It's a wonder Asch doesn't have wrinkles already. :| Poor guy. And you dooo. |D I totally would not mind at all, you know. I'm honestly on all the time, so. Even though I have to meet my friends today at 5 to discuss a project and have dinner.Just poke me whenever you feel like it. .o\ FFF I HONESTLY THINK IT'S BEEN DONE ALREADY, UNFORTUNATELY, BUT IF YOU DO, I WANNA SEE IT REGARDLESS. Asch's hair is so pretty. ;A; ♥



...ENGEL IS NOT AMUSED BY YOUR AMUSEMENT solerika April 13 2010, 20:50:10 UTC
alskdfj oooooonioooooon. OAO I haven't had one of those in forever. /drools

THIS IS SO VERY TRUE. Well, we've never seen him without the creases between his eyebrows, so... |Da Since it's almost four here, I'll see about bugging you after you get back. \o/ I THINK SO TOO. AT LEAST THERE'S AN HERBAL ESSENCES ICON. It looks so soft and pet-able~ ;3;

...IT TURNED OUT TO BE A BIT OF A MISHMASH OF THIS AND THAT, BUT IT IS MOSTLY NAUGHTY/CUTE REDHEADS. I need to organize my fanart better... I'll PM it to ya once it's done uploading!


/is amused at his lack of amusement at her previous amusement. its_rose_damnit April 13 2010, 23:48:30 UTC
Yess! 8D And a while back my parents bought some spinach bagels that were equally delicious. *w* And sometimes I make bagel sandwiches and ghjvjvfr so good.

AT LEAST WE HAVE FUN. ...That's true. Poor Asch, he really does need to stop being a sourpuss, he'll age so much faster. And of course the whole face sticking thing. 8|a Well, I am back now, so if you're on, bug away! /o/ I'll probably be on for a while, too, fff... /no life. I MAY HAVE SEEN THAT. And I kind of laughed insanely, yep. Doesn't it?! ;A; It's no wonder Anise wants to braid and play with it so much, it's so shiny and pretty. Plus the color is just gorgeous. ♥

OHOHO. 8D I shall be looking at it now, fufufu~ hvhcvhd Thank yooou, by the way. I know I must sound so annoying and demanding and feel free to kick me in the teeth whenever you wish. |Db;;


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