
Feb 14, 2012 17:32

Title: Tradition
Author: vampirelissy14
Fandom: Kamen Rider Kiva
Universe: A Tale As Old As Time
Pairing: Jiro/Yuri
Rating: PG
Summary: Jiro stumbles across his Queen attempting a Valentine's Day tradition.


If there was one thing a Wolfen prided himself on, it was his sense of smell, and even though Jiro lived with his wife Yuri in an incredibly huge castle, he was able to pick up on her unique scent no matter where she happened to be.

It wasn’t difficult to trace the scent of lilies and vanilla to the kitchen, even when it was mixed with the heavenly rich aroma of chocolate, which only made the Wolfen King curious about what his Queen was up to.

The sight that greeted him when he entered the room made him smile: Yuri was standing by the stove, a frilly apron tied over her gown as she stirred a pot of chocolate.

“Don’t we have servants for this kind of thing?” Jiro asked, striding into the room and chuckling when his wife emitted a startled yelp and whirled towards him.

Yuri recovered quickly, aiming a mock glare in his direction. “And don’t you have better things to do than sneak up on your wife when she’s busy?”

“Mmm…no,” he teased. “Especially not when she paints such an appealing picture, apron and all,” crossing over to her, the wolf gathered his love into his arms, pressing a sweet kiss to her lips before murmuring: “What are you making?”

“It was supposed to be a surprise,” she pouted slightly, but if there was one thing that always proved true, it was that Yuri could never stay cross at Jiro for long, and just one loving look from the man that held her was enough to make her heart melt. “But…since you seem impossible to surprise…I’m making you chocolates. For Valentine’s Day. It’s tradition.”

He quirked an eyebrow, grinning. “I think I like this tradition.”

“Well don’t celebrate just yet…I’ve never done this before,” she glanced down at the pan she was stirring the hot liquid in.

Jiro’s heart leapt when he saw how worried she was about the final result, and, wanting to pacify her, he grabbed a spoon and dipped it into the concoction, blowing on it to cool the liquid down before bringing it to his mouth.

She gazed at him expectantly, unable to keep from wringing her hands when he paused as if in deep thought. “Well?”

Those beautiful dark eyes met hers and, after a beat, his handsome features broke into a devastatingly gorgeous grin. “Perfection. As if you could create anything else,” lovingly, he reached out and slipped his fingers through her silken hair.

Yuri sighed in relief and relaxed into her husband’s touch.

Chuckling, he dipped his head in order to claim her lips in a kiss, his Queen moaning and curling into him in response.

They embraced ardently for several moments, nipping and coaxing at each other before, reluctantly, Yuri tugged away in order to breathe. “You taste divine.”

“See? Now…what exactly were you planning on doing with that chocolate, because I was thinking…we have some fresh strawberries.”

Her eyes actually lit up at the prospect. “And it’s a lovely day outside…”

Smirking, Jiro leaned forward and pressed his lips gently to her forehead. “That settles it…feeding each other chocolate strawberries under our tree it is…”

Giggling, Yuri assisted her husband in locating the fruit. “Sounds like a perfect way to spend the most romantic day of the year.”

Jiro just smiled and wrapped an arm around her. “As far as I’m concerned, every day we spend together is a perfect day.”

Touched, the Queen leaned up to meet her King’s lips in another kiss, which told him that she agreed with the sentiment completely.

The End

jiro/yuri, a tale as old as time, kamen rider kiva

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