It's eaten my brain...

Jul 17, 2010 12:40

But it'll probably be hungry in about an hour....

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scroll, i made that!, geekiness, dork dork dork, i kick ass, sca, i did what?, improving technique, ansteorra

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Comments 4

fallconsmate July 17 2010, 23:29:25 UTC
oh wow...that would make a GORGEOUS tattoo. i just am not sure i'll be able to get another one now. *sighs*


jencendiary July 18 2010, 05:59:52 UTC
If you can't get a tattoo, you could always make a banner!

(Hi. I'm a random creeper reading friends-of-friends. XD)


fallconsmate July 18 2010, 06:16:35 UTC
Hi there, friend-of-friend! (I do that, too!)

What I'd ideally do is a bookmark, then send it on to ms soldiergrrrl. She's been a friend I love fir years now. I'd have to ask my tattoo artist if he'd do any more work on me or not. I recently got diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis, and I respect the guys who work there too much to not let them make the choice, although I'm not infectious in any way.


soldiergrrrl July 18 2010, 12:31:15 UTC
Well, hallo thar! I've been tempted to creep over to your LJ, so make yourself at home!


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