
Apr 06, 2009 21:54

I have a new cloak.  I started it yesterday and finished it tonight.  It needs a clasp, but other than that, it's done.  It weighs a ton and if I say I'm cold in this thing, you'd better find the penguins because they're gonna be around.  I'll post pictures later, but it's another one down for the A&S50.  This one was half stash, and half new ( Read more... )

a&s 50, garb, sca, sewing

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Comments 24

deafelis April 7 2009, 06:14:13 UTC
Whee. :) What kind of pattern and fabric did you use?


soldiergrrrl April 7 2009, 10:15:21 UTC
I used a Simplicity pattern and some upholstery fabric I had laying around. It's all dirt colored, but you know...that's maybe not such a bad thing. ;-)


soldiergrrrl April 7 2009, 12:36:49 UTC
There's a badly shopped picture of it up now.


deafelis April 7 2009, 18:20:50 UTC
MMM, yay. That looks warm. :) That's almost exactly the kind of thing I want to make for myself. It hasn't happened yet mostly because I couldn't find fabric I liked before GW, and haven't had time since then.


piroshki April 7 2009, 07:42:40 UTC
Well? Let's see it, then!


soldiergrrrl April 7 2009, 12:36:21 UTC
It's up. It's a badly shopped photo, to cut out the background but it's there!


piroshki April 7 2009, 14:58:53 UTC
Ahh, you see, that's the good thing about being a really LOUSY photographer. We're so glad we didn't decapitate, hemicorporectomate, or otherwise occlude altogether, that we don't care about the background!

Looks nice. And warm. I need a cloak, too, but mine's going to end up styled several hundred years later than yours.


madamekat April 7 2009, 11:10:38 UTC
Great job! It's so great to use Stash for projects :D


soldiergrrrl April 7 2009, 11:55:36 UTC
It's funny, but I'm finding the "stash A&S50" to be a lot of fun, and challenging. I know I was blown away by your purple stash dress. :-D


auxdarastrix April 7 2009, 13:05:40 UTC
That's very nice!


soldiergrrrl April 7 2009, 13:07:40 UTC
Thank you! It weighs a ton, so I'd better not fall into any rivers while wearing it!


quodscripsi April 7 2009, 14:30:35 UTC
What kind of cloak is it suppose to be?


soldiergrrrl April 7 2009, 14:36:41 UTC
A warm one. ;-)

The fabric was some upholstery stuff I had around, and had exactly enough to do the cloak. The lining is a linen that I got on sale on JoAnn. (Honestly, thought...the upholstery stuff was a nightmare to sew. It just...unravelled if I looked at it funny. Thank GOD for sergers.)

The hood is totally fantasy, but I liked it better than a plain hood.

I needed one to keep me warm at events, and didn't really care too much about the authenticity of it. :-)


piroshki April 7 2009, 15:01:34 UTC
Ahh...see, seams like that aren't so difficult on a straight-stitch either. The easiest way I've found to do it is draw the pattern onto the fabric, then sew a "safety" line about an eighth of an inch in from the cut line, using about 18 stitches to the inch. (24, if it's the chain-stitcher.) Then cut the fabric, and voilá, it's stabilised.

Or just flat-fell it. I flat fell any- and everything I can. (I am so lazy...)


soldiergrrrl April 7 2009, 15:08:09 UTC
That's a really good idea to do that. I'll have to remember it because I have some other stuff that frays like mad. How do you keep the fabric from moving too much as you trace?

This stuff was all stringy on the back and fuzzy on the front and fell apart on me if I looked at it wrong, so I'm just glad it's done.

Next time? Wool. I am SO doing a cloak out of wool, dammit. ;-)


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