For my own tracking purposes:

Mar 31, 2009 18:41

A&S 50 projects ( Read more... )

dork dork dork, a&s 50, garb, sca, sewing

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Comments 11

dekarch April 1 2009, 00:07:30 UTC
Re cotes and entari:

Boobies make me smile.


soldiergrrrl April 1 2009, 01:20:20 UTC
What? No rant on decadent Western fashions??? Granted, I show less skin than most modern outfits, but for some reason, the skin exposed is...scandalous!


quodscripsi April 1 2009, 00:21:47 UTC
Good Lord. You should just buy Kass's whole line of patterns and make one of everything.


kass_rants April 1 2009, 00:25:21 UTC
I swear to God I don't pay him for this. =)


quodscripsi April 1 2009, 00:35:04 UTC
Would be nice though, heck your not even close enough to set me up with women.


soldiergrrrl April 1 2009, 01:18:45 UTC
God, I'd love to!


kass_rants April 1 2009, 00:25:57 UTC
My persona has pretty much packed up and moved to the last half of period, if you can't tell.

Mwah ha ha! Welcome to the dark side!


soldiergrrrl April 1 2009, 01:19:18 UTC
Heeee! It's just the clothes are so much prettier!


ahhemmmmm... redc1c4 April 1 2009, 05:34:52 UTC
where, exactly, do the Hawaiian shirts in blood curdling, retina searing colors fit into the production line?


Re: ahhemmmmm... soldiergrrrl April 1 2009, 13:18:21 UTC
Whenever I get the fabric, they get made. :-D


If you are ever in DC again auxdarastrix April 2 2009, 23:57:20 UTC

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