Garb has taken over my life.

Feb 17, 2009 10:28

I've come to realize this.

Oh well.  It is what it is.  ;-)

i did what?, garb, sca, sewing

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Comments 22

montieth February 17 2009, 16:42:50 UTC
Diversify. Pick up another time period.

WWII for example. :-)


soldiergrrrl February 17 2009, 16:45:16 UTC
Yes, because that would help so much.



montieth February 17 2009, 16:51:10 UTC
Well, you could wear some of it out. And you could hang with the cool WWII crowd at Con. We're in uniform, NOT costume. ;-P

Or you could go with ACW....Though, given john's temperment, I think he'd LOVE a 24th Regiment of Foot impression with a Martini Henry.



spearweasel February 17 2009, 16:56:43 UTC
At least my stuff will be one kind of fabric, in big rectangles.


fabricdragon February 17 2009, 16:56:29 UTC
garb does that. its like knitting and spinnning.


hiraethin February 17 2009, 21:01:59 UTC
I'm just trying to imagine what your unit would look like if you redesigned the uniforms... ;)


deafelis February 17 2009, 22:18:27 UTC
{ giggles }


soldiergrrrl February 17 2009, 22:20:37 UTC

"What? Silk isn't *that* expensive! We just can't really go out in the sun... You weren't really serious about that second Iraq deployment, were you? Why are you all looking at me like that?"


deafelis February 18 2009, 04:03:40 UTC
{ grin and more giggles }


deafelis February 17 2009, 22:19:58 UTC
Would that I could do that. I keep procrastinating garb-making simply because I don't enjoy sewing as much as other fiber-arts crafts (well, and I feel like I shouldn't be doing that stuff because I have other stuff that I should be doing instead.... which I suppose isn't really any more important, just more imposing - and working late nights doesn't help because I want to sleep in, but eh).


arnlaug February 17 2009, 22:58:51 UTC
If it isn't garb, it is fabric, if not fabric, then books...

Hiya from long ago...


soldiergrrrl February 18 2009, 18:58:54 UTC
Well, hello! How's life treating you these days?


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