Title: Dark Angel
Pairing: Alec/Logan, unrequited Max/Logan
Chapter: 11
Rating: will be heavy R/NC-17 in future
Summary: An AU to the show, in which Alec arrives in Seattle three years before Max graces the scene.
Author's Note: Watching DA, NCIS and Supernatural - in one day - inspires me apparently.
Chapter eleven
“Lilacs?” Alec repeated. “What were you doing that close to Normal?” he shuddered.
Herbal rolled his eyes, “Getting a package, man,” he replied.
“He’s leaving work early, as well,” Original Cindy added.
Sketchy and Alec looked at each other in surprise. “Okay, that’s weird,” Alec stated.
“Yeah, Normal never leaves work early,” Sketchy agreed as Max joined them.
“Why is it guys are all so task-orientated?” she demanded of them. “I mean, it’s work, work, work, work, work.”
“Because otherwise all we’d think about is sex, sex, sex, sex, sex,” Sketchy informed her.
Alec laughed and patting Sketchy on the shoulder. “Good one, Sketch,” he complimented.
“Why do you reckon Normal’s acting so…” Herbal trailed off, trying to think of the right word.
“Normal?” Alec suggested.
“Maybe he has a date,” Sketchy wondered out loud.
“Now, that’s just a bizarre thought - Normal getting busy with someone,” Original Cindy said, a shudder running through her.
“Yeah,” Alec said, “it’s almost a bizarre as Max getting busy with someone,” he added, scowling at Max when his comment earned him an elbow in the stomach.
“Come on,” Original Cindy said, taking Max by the arm, “let’s go check it out.”
Max nodded her head, glaring at Alec one last time before heading over to Normal. “Isn’t Max seeing someone?” Sketchy said, looking between Herbal and Alec.
“Who?” Alec asked in surprise.
“Yeah,” Herbal added, “there’s that guy who’s popped by a couple of times. The guy with the glasses.”
Alec almost growled when he realised that they meant Logan. “Trust me,” he told them, “they are not seeing each other.”
“And how would you know?” Sketchy demanded of him and Alec found himself cursing his own jealousy.
“Because he’s one of my best friends, so I think I would know,” Alec informed them, slamming his locker closed and heading out to make a delivery.
“Wonder what’s wrong with him?” Sketchy mused and Herbal just shrugged his shoulders.
“I heard what Bling said earlier,” Alec commented, pulling a salad bowl out of Logan’s cupboard.
“You mean the bit where he threatened to beat my ass?” Logan asked, pushing his glasses further up his nose. “Pass me the-,”
Alec reached over and passed him the knife before Logan had even finished saying it. “That and what he said before,” Alec agreed. “He’s right. Wallowing in self pity is not going to help yourself. Before you start snapping at me and biting my head off, just hear me out,” Alec added as Logan turned to glare at him. “You’re legs don’t work right now. Big deal. It isn’t the end of the world. I know it might seem like it,” he added, crouching down so that he was eye level with Logan, “but medicine isn’t the same as it was twenty years ago. Doctors might still be able to find a way to repair the stem cells. You just have to have faith that you’ll be okay. You do know that this,” he patted his hands against the chair, “doesn’t change the way I feel about you, don’t you?” he asked. Logan nodded his head, tears in his eyes. “Then please stop with the pity party. For me?” he asked.
Logan smiled and kissed Alec on the lips. “I’m sorry,” he apologized. “This is just hard, you know? I’m not a patient person and me fully recovering all depends on me being patient.” Alec just smiled and deepened their kiss before getting up and continuing with preparing dinner.
“He actually had a date?” Alec whispered to Original Cindy.
Original Cindy rolled her eyes and hushed him. “Stop being mean,” she told him. “She’s making him a nicer person and that’s something.”
“But nice Normal’s weird,” Alec scowled. “It scares me.” Original Cindy just laughed as shook her head and she headed away from Alec.
“I told you that no sane person would want to date Normal,” Alec said as Original Cindy finished informing them about what she found in Louise Klein’s purse. “You had a human finger?” Alec asked in amazement turning to Sketchy.
Sketchy nodded his head. “It was cool, like the guy just opened the box and it was there.”
“Do you reckon who it belonged to was dead or alive?” Alec asked, genuinely interested.
Max rolled her eyes. “Men,” she muttered pulling Original Cindy away from the bar, leaving Alec and Sketchy to talk in peace.
Alec looked up when Max came running back into Crash. “I thought you left,” Alec said, sipping his beer.
“I need to talk to you,” she said, grabbing hold of Alec’s arm and pulling the transgenic away from the others before he had chance to even think about arguing with her.
“What the Hell’s wrong?” Alec demanded.
“I just called Logan to tell him that I know what our newest bad guy is up to and Bling answered,” Max started.
“Yeah, so?” Alec asked, pulling his arm out of her grip.
“He told me that Logan’s been kidnapped,” Max finished.
“What?” Alec exclaimed. “And people say that I get into a lot of trouble,” he muttered. “I hope you brought your bike with you, cause I didn’t,” he said, following her up onto the street.
“Get on,” Max instructed.
“Where exactly are we heading?” Alec asked as Max sped through the streets.
“Logan’s,” Max answered.
“We’re making it up as we go along?” Jack repeated as he watched Max type something into the computer. “Isn’t that a bit risky?” he asked, looking at Alec.
Alec shrugged his shoulders, “As much as I hate to admit it,” he said, “it usually works for her.”
He was glad they had arrived just before Bling had deleted the files like Logan told him to. Logan had given both Alec, Jack and Bling the codes to his computer. He knew that all three of them could be trusted with them and Alec had hoped that he would never have to use it.
“Cool,” Jack said in awe as he watched Max speak into the mike that was changing her voice to Logan’s. “That’s very cool.”
“Here’s how it is,” Max whispered, as she got off her motorcycle.
“Normally I would complain about taking orders from you,” Alec said, getting off his own.
“But you’re not,” Jack interrupted, climbing off Alec’s bike as well.
“I’ll go in this way,” Max pointed to a nearby entrance. “Alec, you go around the front. Jack, go around the back.”
Alec nodded his head, tossing a glare in Jack’s direction for cutting him off as he made his way around the front of the building.
He was surprised that there weren’t no guards at the entrance. He assumed that the majority of this guy’s people had been sent to where they thought Eyes Only was. But he wasn’t stupid enough to think that there weren’t some inside. All three of them reacted at the same time; when the orders were given to execute Matt and Logan.
Max sung in from where she was hiding, taking out two of the guards. One jumped up from the desk, but Jack easily took care of him. Alec stepped up to Logan and was about to remove gag when he heard two thugs come up behind him and reacted immediately. He used his transgenic speed to get behind them and two seconds later they were both unconscious on the floor.
“Where did she go?” Jack asked, jogging up to Alec.
Alec shrugged his shoulders. “Who knows what goes on in her head?” Alec replied, moving back over to Logan. “This might hurt,” he warned his lover, who nodded his head and closed his eyes.
Alec quickly ripped off the tape. “Fuck!” Logan exclaimed, running his hand over his mouth once Alec had undone his binds. “Max is probably trying to stop the plane,” Logan told them while Jack checked Matt’s pulse. “Is he okay?”
“He’s still alive,” Jack assured him. “We need to get you out of here,” he told the journalist.
“I agree,” Alec said, “no arguing with me,” he instructed Logan when the other man opened his mouth. “You think you’ll be okay with him?” he asked Jack, indicating to Matt.
The blond nodded his head and easily throwing Matt over his shoulder. Alec smiled at Logan as he put one hand behind the hazel eyed man’s back and the other behind his legs. “Does this make you my damsel in distress?” Alec said.
Logan glared at him. “You know if I could kick you right now, I would. Hard,” he warned Alec as they arrived at their motorcycles.
“Oops,” Jack said, placing Matt gently on the ground. “Looks like we didn’t think this through completely.”
“Yeah,” Alec agreed, setting Logan down carefully before sitting on the ground next to him. “We’ll just wait for Max. No doubt she’ll have some ingenious plan up her sleeve.”
“Probably,” Logan agreed. “Thank you for saving me,” he said, kissing Alec softly when he saw that there was no one around.
“Ewww,” Jack scowled, putting a hand over his eyes. “Warn people before you do that.”
Thanks for reading. X.