The Reegenboog- Chapter 12 and Epilogue *COMPLETE*

Feb 03, 2011 23:30

Title: The Reegenboog
Fandom: Dark Angel
Author/Artist: beatlemaniac9 
Rating: NC-17
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Logan/Alec, Max, Normal, Sketchy, OMC's
Warning(s): Slash
Spoiler(s): Potentially the entire series.
Summary: When Logan needs help maintaining his cover in a gay club named The Reegenboog, he decides to bring along a fake boyfriend.
Disclaimer: I do not own Dark Angel or any of it's wonderful characters. No copyright infringement intended.

When the drinks came, Logan immediately switched his and Alec’s.

“If it’s laced,” Logan informed his confused lover, “It’ll just make me sick, and we’ll know that you were being targeted. If you go into heat, and I get sick, then we know someone’s doing a blind screening for transgenics.”

“Ah. Okay.” Alec replied. He knew he should have realized when Logan had ordered the same beer as him that there was a reason. After all, he almost ALWAYS gets some sort of red wine here.

Both men sipped their drinks, scanning the room discreetly for anyone having any odd symptoms.


Max sat back, realizing that there probably wouldn’t be any more guests at the club tonight. She’d used her excellent vision, the kind that Manticore afforded her, to scan the crowd for visible barcodes, but found none. Though, she did see Sketchy. She always suspected he might not be as ‘female-friendly’ as he pretended to be, but now, she had proof.

She quickly sent a text message from Alec’s phone (on loan for the mission) to Logan’s, notifying him of what she saw…or rather, didn’t. But that didn’t really mean much. A lot of the tuxedos or suits the men were wearing had high enough collars that made it impossible to tell.

Sitting back, she decided to wait for them there. Despite the fact that the window she was looking through was broken, it was still considerably warmer inside the abandoned building than outside.


“Hey, Logan?” Alec whispered, never taking his eyes off the sight before him.


“I think we may have a problem. Look who’s talking to Franco.” He nodded his head in the direction of Sketchy.



“What do you want to do, babe?” He asked, noticing that the cogs in his lovers brain were obviously turning.

“I’m gonna lure him away from Franco, and then tell him everything.”

“Everything? Like, eyes only, transgenics, x-in-the-drinks everything?”

“Yep. It’s the only way.” He slid up from the table, mentally preparing himself for what he had to do next.


Sketchy turned away from Franco, smiling, to see that Alec was walking, no…strutting towards him. Somehow he looked so much more graceful than usual.

“Hey, Sketchy. Can you come with me for a minute? I want to show you something.” He sounded so sweet and innocent, and oh-so-not-Alec. It had him kind of worried.

“I’ll be right back.” He announced, leaving Franco at the table as Alec dragged him to the bathroom.

Alec quickly checked all of the stalls, and ran his hands everywhere they might hide listening devices. When the coast was clear, he turned back to a very confused bike messenger.

“So, what is it you wanted to show me?”

“I need you to promise me first that you won’t tell anyone, write about it for the tabloids, or anything.”

“Yeah, sure man. What’s going on?” Alec turned his back to Sketchy, shrugged out of his tux jacket, and pushed down the collar on his shirt, exposing his barcode.

“No way…” He mumbled, slightly out of shock, slightly out of awe. “You’re a…”

“Transgenic. Yep.”

“Is Logan?”

“No, but he’s Eyes Only.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me. This whole time, I never knew.”

“Well, the thing is, Logan started coming here because he’s trying to expose a particular Mafioso. That Mafioso just happens to be here tonight, and his son was at your table.”


“Yep. We’ve been milking him for information for a while now. Him, and Raymer, the owner of the club.”

“Oh shit…”

“What?” Alec asked, feeling of dread surging through his gut.

“I think I might have blown your cover. He asked about you guys, and I told him. You guys should get out of here, man!”


As sketchy walked back to his table, he watched Alec whisper into Logan’s ear. They left immediately, but not too rushed. They were rather good…inconspicuous. But I guess that comes with the territory of being an X5 or an undercover cyber-journalist.

They were all going to meet up at Crash later, so he definitely needed to start thinking of all of the questions he wanted to ask them. In the meantime, he needed to ditch Ralfie Franco.


(Later at Crash)

Logan and Alec sat on one side of the round high top table, and Sketchy on the other. All the men agreed that whatever was said tonight would remain between them, and remain out of the tabloid Sketchy drabbled in during his free time.

“So, are there really other transgenics in Seattle?”

“Oh, yeah,” Alec replied, “There’s tons of them. Remind me to introduce you to Joshua sometime. You’d love ‘em.”

"Any more at Jam Pony?” Max decided to join them at that point, knowing full well what was happening.

“Maybe. Just remember that Alec and I will kick your ass if you ever tell.” She joked.

Sketchy looked positively in shock. “You’re one, too?”

“X5-452. I was one of the one’s who escaped in ’09. Alec, on the other hand only got out recently.” She took a seat between Sketchy and Alec, still fearful of being too close to Logan. That virus really was a bitch.

“So you guys really torched the place?”

“Well,” Logan added, “The director torched the place. Max set everyone free.”

“Wicked.” The bike messenger spoke in reverence. “Is it true that they make more than one of everybody?”

“Yeah, I’ve encountered at least two other versions of myself, one another X5, the other an X7. And, one of my brothers looked exactly like Alec. His name was Ben.” She looked down, slightly saddened to suddenly have to remember that her brother was dead, and it was her doing. Alec took her hand in his, squeezing in a gesture of comfort.

“It’s okay, Maxie.” She gave a slight smile in return.

Taking the cue, Logan raised his glass. “To Ben.”

“To Ben” They each echoed, Sketchy included. Now that he was in the circle, he was gonna have to learn about these things. And he definitely needed to see if Alec and Logan were interested in a threesome.

They sipped their drinks, and Logan kissed Alec on the forehead. He melted at the gesture.

Yep, he had to ask.

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