The Reegenboog (Chapters 3 and 4)

Jul 31, 2010 00:41

Title: The Reegenboog
Chapters 3 and 4
Rating: R
Warnings: working its way up to NC-17

Logan and I got back in to his beat up, old Aztek at around midnight. We had stayed just long enough for Logan to be okay to drive. I offered, but he wanted to stay a little longer anyways, just to see if he could get anything useful out of Raymer or Franco. We didn’t get any new information tonight, but Logan warned me that it might happen. Those two criminals needed to get to know me before saying anything incriminating in my presence. But like I said, we knew it could happen.

I think Logan might be distracted. “Hey, you just missed the turn for my apartment.”

“I know.” He didn’t even take his eyes off the road.

“Then what are we doing?” I was a bit worried.

“Max called when I went out to the restroom. Some guy in your building got arrested, so they are searching the building. She said she went through your stuff to make sure you didn’t have anything the cops might snag you for, and she got you some clothes. We agreed that you should spend the night elsewhere.”

“Shit! I hope she didn’t find the…”

“The what?” Now Logan looked worried.

“Well, I may have some…magazines, from Germany. I’d never live it down if she found those.”

“Well, if you are talking about what I think you are, it’s better that she find it than the cops.”

“True…If she collected my porn, than I’ll thank her.”

“If she didn’t, you might be calling her from jail.”

“Can’t Matt Sung do anything about it?”

“He’s not there, and even if he were, it’s illegal stuff, and he’s a righteous cop. I wouldn’t ask him to lower his moral standard when it was those very morals that lead him to helping me.”

“Alright. I need to call Max.” I grabbed my cell phone out of Logan’s glove box, and dialed her pager number. She called back right away.

“Alec.” Her voice was cold. I guess she must have found something to be mad at me for.

“I was calling to say thank you for lookin’ out for me and my stuff, and to ask about my…”

“If you’re about to say ‘porn’, then yes, it’s safe, with me.” Thank goodness. Even though I don’t say it often enough, Max really is a life-saver.

“Thanks Maxie, you’re the best.”

“Whatever.” She hung up on me.

“So, she got everything?” Logan asked, finally sneaking a peak at me.

“Yeah, thank God, but she’s pissed, just like I knew she’d be.”

“Well, it was bound to happen over something. At least it wasn’t something you said, this time.”

“I guess there’s that.”

“And you aren’t sleeping around with co-workers.”

“That, too.” How does he know these things?

“So what if you have stacks of hot, foreign magazines under your bed?”

“I never told you where they were.” Okay. This was officially creepy.

“Remember when I came over last week and you had me get the cash you owed me from your room?”


“Well, I dropped my keys, and I saw them when I bent down to pick them up.”

“Alright.” I decided that if he was lying, I didn’t want to know. He pulled in to the garage beneath his building.

“We’re here.”

I stepped out, allowing Logan passed me to lead the way. I had been to his apartment many times, but I never came through the garage. Thus, he led the way. As he walked passed, I realized that he smelt of the cigar that Raymer had started smoking halfway through the night. Something about it was intoxicating. I don’t know why the hell I didn’t pick up on it in the car, though. He had no idea at this point that I was staring at him. I followed obediently, but far enough back so I could still see him when he walked. I didn’t realize how graceful he was when he walked until now. Even with the exoskeleton mildly squeaking as it aided him in the feat, it seemed natural.

We both stepped into the elevator while the elderly woman who lived below Logan stepped out. He politely wished her a good evening, though it seemed a bit late for her to be going out, but hey…who am I to judge what old ladies do at midnight? He later told me that she was a chronic insomniac, and often went out to walk in the garage when she couldn’t sleep.

I watched intently as my boyfriend pressed the button and code for his penthouse suite into the control panel on the side wall. I found myself thinking that he had beautiful hands, and that I had gone soft over him, calling him ‘boyfriend’ and all. It didn’t seem so much an act after the evening we had. It’s kind of hard to believe that he would be that good of an actor. I think he might like me, even if he doesn’t know it. Who knows, I may just let him find out.

The ride was excruciatingly short. I wanted so badly just to stay in that elevator with him forever. His scent commingled with the smells of cigar and booze permeating the air, the proximity forced upon us due to the small space, and the way he seemed not to notice that I couldn’t keep my fucking eyes off of him was enough to make me go crazy. It was too perfect for it to last, I guess.

I continued to follow as Logan rummaged for his keys in his tux pocket.  After finding them, he selected one, pushed it into the keyhole, and turned it to open the door. I won’t lie, my mind, at that particular moment, was not where it should be. After all, we were just pretending to date. But it had been at least a week since I had any action, or time to take care of things myself. I am surprised I had lasted this long. Now, since this evening’s bathroom make-out session, I can’t seem to keep my mind straight. I never thought in a million years I would want Logan, but, here I am now, looking at the key as a euphemism for him.

“Are you hungry?” Logan’s sudden question broke me out of my internal dialogue.

“Eh, I could eat.” Truthfully, I just like to watch him cook. Logan took off his jacket and tie, placing it on the sofa as he made his way to the kitchen.

“I think I may have some pasta in the pantry. Will you look while I start on some sauce?” I didn’t answer. My body was running on autopilot, moving to the pantry, as I was still swirling all my thoughts of Logan around in my head.

I managed to find some penne on the bottom shelf, and I took it to the counter, and pulled out a pot to boil the water. Logan was watching me this time. I could feel his gaze upon me as I filled it up at the sink. It must have been innocent, but I felt like there was something more to it. There was always something more when it involved Logan.

“Are you going to turn off the water?” He asked so quietly. I didn’t even realize that I had let the water run over the top. I turned it off, and poured out the excess water.

“Sorry, Logan,” I gave a smile, “I guess I’m just…distracted.”

“By what?” He leaned back against the island as I put the pot on the stove.

“Uhh…” I really didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t tell him that he had me wrapped around his perfect fingers. “The mission. I’m just thinking about ways to get Franco to talk.”

“Really?” He looked at me with a face that says ‘I know you’re lying’, “Do tell.”

“Well, If all else fails, I can throw myself at him like the slut that everyone thinks I am.”

“That’s not funny, Alec.” I made the mistake of indulging in a laugh, “Besides, I don’t think anyone thinks of you as a slut.”

“Oh, yeah? What about Max? How about Original Cindy? Even Normal and Sketchy think it, and they egg me on!” I was near screaming now. I don’t know why I was so angry.

“That’s not true.” His eyes were sad looking, and he kind of had a pout.

“Like hell it’s not.” I muttered. That’s when I felt it. His hand was around my waist, and he was pressed up behind me, pushing me into the counter.

“If I thought you were a slut, I wouldn’t have asked you to pretend to be my boyfriend.” His breath was warm to my ear, and I was hoping that he wouldn’t realize that an inch or two under my hand, my pants were tenting. “I especially wouldn’t have kissed you for as long as I had, and I wouldn’t be feeling like I do now.” He let me go, and I turned around to face him.

“What do you mean?”

“I, maybe, sort of, like you, or something.” He looked at his hands, and I saw him blushing. “As soon as I saw you in that getup, I swear, I can’t keep my mind off you.

“Well then…” I turned around and turned off the stove. “Quit undressing me with your eyes and do it for real.”

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