(no subject)

Jul 19, 2010 00:15

Title: The Reegenboog
Rating: PG-13
Description: When Logan needs help infiltrating a gay club in association with the mafia, who can he call on to be his fake boyfriend? Alec, of course!
Disclamer: I do not own the characters, or anything Dark Angel.

“You look fine, Alec” I fiddled with my bowtie once more before getting out of Logan’s beat up Aztek into the rain. I tried my best to use the umbrella he supplied to keep my tux dry, but the rain was pounding pretty heavily. He slipped out with ease, expertly using his umbrella to accomplish what I couldn’t. He walked quickly to the building, and I followed obediently.

It was a nondescript place, blending in with the rest of the strip of buildings, but everyone in the gay scene knew what it was. It was where the homo-elite gathered. Logan was building up an image there to get inside information for one of his eyes-only things, so naturally, he would have to bring a male “friend” eventually. And I think we all know that I was the obvious choice. I mean, I was incredibly handsome, I knew his identity, I was born and raised to be a spy, I was skilled (in many ways), and of course, I was incredibly handsome.

A tall man in a butler’s attire stood at a podium in the entrance of the building. He was balding, and rather boring. He took our umbrellas and placed them to the side, before asking us our names to compare to his guest list. Logan spoke first.

“I’m Logan Caldwell and this is my guest.”

“Ah, very well sirs,” He opened the door wide for us to enter, “Welcome to the Reegenboog.”

We walked in and straight to the restroom to “freshen up”. Really, we just had to go over everything again. I walked in first to scope the place, checking for guests and any sort of cameras or recording devices. It was surprisingly clean. No one was in at the time, which was fortunate for us. So, I gave a low whistle to signal him in. It wouldn’t bee too bad if anyone saw us, though. You see, anyone here would think that we were just trying to get some “alone time”.

“So what does that mean again?” I questioned, leaning against the extravagant marble countertop.

“What does what mean?” Logan stood awkwardly in the center of the room, folding his arms across his chest.

“Reegenboog. What the fuck is that?”

“Oh,” He lit up, obviously glad that it was something he knew the answer to. I had asked a lot of unnecessary and strange questions in the car, just to test him. “Well, in Dutch, Reegenboog means ‘rainbow’. Since the gay pride flag is rainbow colored, it is just a natural name for this place.”

“I know this is a fancy gay club, but other than pretending to be your boyfriend, what am I supposed to do.” He asked me so last minute that I was left to fly by the seat of my pants.
“The club owner, Jakob Raymer, came from the Netherlands about nine years ago and started The Reegenboog, where he started forming ties with the Italian mafia. Ralfie Franco, the son of one of the higher level Mafioso’s, is a frequent visitor. If we can get one or both of them to slip up and say something incriminating tying them to the mafia, we can bring it down.”

“So, how did we get in?”

“Well, I had to attend some rallies and stuff, but eventually, the names of everyone who attends gets back to Raymer. He seeks out homosexuals who have power, money, or dedication to the cause, and he invites them to the club. I used my contacts to completely falsify my identity, and then used it when attending said rallies. It was only a matter of time before he sought me out.”

“And how long have you been coming here?” I always had my suspicions about Logan, but this was nuts. No normal guy in his right mind would fake these things for too long, even for a good cause.

“Two weeks. And last time I was here, Raymer expressed interest in my boyfriend, who I had been ‘doting’ over.” His usage of finger quotes was annoying…I got the picture. “I had only talked about a boyfriend so that I didn’t blow my cover, or worse, get taken advantage of by Franco.”

“So this Franco guy’s got a crush on you.”

“I guess so. At the very least, I know he wants to test me.”

“Well, this should get him to knock it off. Anyways, what did you tell ‘em about ‘your boyfriend’?” He suddenly looked uneasy, clutching at his sides tighter than before, causing his tux to wrinkle.

“I told them that you were young, handsome, and cheeky, but insanely good in bed.” Now I knew why he was so nervous. His cheeks flushed, and I knew that tonight would be awkward.

“So, we should probably get out there, but before we do, would it help you to practice?”

“What?” He was slightly shocked at my proposal.

“I mean, we’re going to have to get a bit friendly at some time tonight, so why not practice it now so they don’t get suspicious of our behavior?”

“Right,” He said, stepping forward, “How do you want to do this?” Without another word, I slid my hand around to the small of his back, and my other to his shoulder, and leaned in to kiss him.

Our lips met so perfectly, and for a moment, I felt like it was better than kissing a girl. I snapped out of it, but went on. I nipped at him, pulling away every few seconds to give him a chance to break it if he was too uncomfortable, but he didn’t. Instead, his breath hitched in his throat, and I moved on.

I let my hands roam, feeling every bit of him I could get my hands on, as I parted my lips slightly. It surprised me to find him following my lead, sliding his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues fought harshly as he began to touch me back. And then we broke for air. He backed away.

“Promise me something, Alec.” Logan was blushing like mad. I couldn’t help but chuckle.


“What happens at the Reegenboog stays at the Reegenboog. Alright?”

“Sure.” I took his hand in mine, and we walked out of the restroom together.

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