I felt the same - I was disappointed. I suppose once she goes it'll be over, but I hate the idea of Tony getting all involved with her emotionally when we know she's leaving.
Exactly, they need to let it go and move on. I was hoping Ziva's departure would bring back some non-Tiva fans who gave up on the show. I'd hate for them to tune back in only to have Tiva shoved back in their faces full force!
Well I left and I'll be returning, so I hope it doesn't squick me so much that I have to go running off again! The promos are notoriously misleading, so hopefully it's not as Tiva centric as it seems. Barf!
I've heard little hints of rumors that they intend to leave Tony pining for Ziva forever. I never saw her as being right for him and never saw him as her type in any way, shape or form. I so hope they don't do that to Tony!
I do so fear that we will have to watch a "moment" between them only to have her leave for good... maybe dead cause that was a lot of shooting. all I read in the TV guide was that Tony "grows up" after Ziva leaves. Well That isn't too hard to think about, she always Only called him the class clown. So now Tony can mature to the man he has always been. *shakes fist at the shows writers if they make Tony the comic relief Again!!!
I hope they don't make him into the pining drama queen. I figured they would kill Ziva off as that is what they've done in the past (Kate, Jenny, Mike, Jackie, etc). It would be a breath of fresh air if they left her alive, but that also leaves room for the return of Tiva. Ugh! Maybe killing her off will be the best way to go!
Comments 13
It had better not be any more than that.
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