Title; Lust
Genre; 9th Doctor/Rose
Rating; Adult
Summary; Smut; need I say anymore?
Chapter; 7/7
Completed; Yes
I want you to dance with me
The words echoed through the Doctor’s mind. After everything that had happened to him, after losing everything, absolutely everything, by his own actions, those words were the most profoundly
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Comments 9
Thanks for posting this I've been anxiously awaiting this : )
Glad you enjoyed it!
GREAT WRITING!! This was absolutely fabulous (and I'm glad I waited until the last installment..I'm impatient about waiting for segments) .. I haven't read a lot of DW fic, but seriously -- top notch! :)
Anyway, if you liked that I have another fic on the go that I'm going to start posting hopefully today. Same pairing; Rose/9, I'm a sucker for Rose/9 fics..!
seriously, though -- I heart nine and I heart ten, both -- and while I haven't had a lot of time to pursue fic/etc until this point (well, I really don't have the time but you know... nights without a man get damned lonely!) I'm a hardcore D/R shipper... hahaha.
And in that vein -- any fics written by others that you enjoy? And if you don't mind, I'm going to put you on my flist (my DW_friends filter teehee)
Heritage by np_complete here at http://www.whofic.com/viewstory.php?sid=11690 I love this one, while it isnt technically a Doctor/Rose fic, there is so much emotion in it. Well worth a read.
Broken, But Still of Some Good by red light special at http://www.whofic.com/viewstory.php?sid=9110 Its nine/rose, smutty but the main focus is angst and lots of it. Its very well written.
Those are 2 fics that I am (not so)patiently awaiting being updated!
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