So wacked that even Rod Dreher at BeliefNet is going "dude, that's wacked"

Oct 05, 2009 08:09

Remember Conservapedia, the repository of nuttcakery run out of Phyllis Schlafly's son Andy Schlafly's basement? They're making their own Bible, because the current one is too liberal. No, I'm not making that up, even if the link is down for the moment because they're being hammered. You can still read this article over here, wherein even BeliefNet is giggling at them.

Seriously, the layers of irony here are too thick to contemplate. You just have to stand back in awe and giggle. That said, hey, every good sect needs its own holy book, so why not? Theoconservatives, I say go for it.

(h/t: Sullivan)


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