Title: Mommy Dearest
Author: Solarbaby
Disclaimer: All I own is the plot.
Words: 353
Summary: She had been warned…
Spoilers: Absolutely none.
Interlude II: Love at First Sight, Love Everlasting Drabble 2
She had been warned that they would send someone else after him. If she couldn’t finish the job than someone else would.
Scorpina wouldn’t let that happen.
His arm was wrapped lightly around her waist and he had his face buried in her hair. Fingers trailed through her hair as she let out a content sigh.
That was when it happened.
The first arrow missed him by mere inches. Instantly, Scorpina was on her feet, pulling him down behind a building as she glanced around the edge, trying to find the attacker. She caught sight of someone disappearing at the top of a building.
She turned to see him looking at her, stunned. Reached out, her hand brushed through his hair. “Stay here.” Her lips pressed gently against his, than she was off.
The person was long gone before she got there. Scorpina fell back on her training, taking in her surroundings. The best option was to return to Marcus.
When she returned, he was gone. She cursed under her breath before a sound of something crashing came from the alleyway a few yards down. What she found surprised her. It was the man who had taken a shot at Marcus. But what surprised her more than anything was that Marcus was meeting him blow for blow. She had known the man had some training but nothing like that.
It was beautiful.
At least ‘til the man had managed to pin Marcus to that wall with a knife to his throat. She didn’t even hesitate, moving in silently behind the man. All it took was one quick move. With a sickening crack, the man fell to the ground, his neck snapped.
Marcus was looking at her now, panicked and shocked. “Scorpina..?”
Her hand was placed over his mouth, cutting him off from whatever he was going to say. “Not here, okay?” Scorpina grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the alley and the body.
Maybe she was going to lose him. Maybe he’d completely freak out and take off.
But he was alive.
Scorpina didn’t regret her actions for a minute.