I'm sorry to have been so absent lately. I'll post about life and the like soon. In the meantime, I've brought fic. That's a good thing, right? Come read.
Hahahahahahahahahaha! I meant that my post about everything that's been going on lately would be so long that it would be like a novel to read. *grins* Though I have been kicking around a book idea and I'll maybe get around to writing it one of these days. *shrugs*
Jackal stared openmouthed for a moment. Slowly, his jaw found its ability to function again. "Of all the ludicrous... No. I am not jealous of the chocolate."
"You just don't want to share your time with the chocolate?"
kami, this part is to funny.
whears the other 22 buntaxjackal parts? wanna read them.
Glad you liked it. ^_^ I live to serve... or at least write amusing fiction. There aren't 22 others quite yet. I'm kind of writing the themes out of order as inspiration strikes. However, I've written a fair few and you can check them out here. You may have to scroll down a bit to get to them past the chapter fics because my cuts seem to have gone a bit wonky. Happy reading!
Yay! *day is made* Much mwee-ful ficcage of the cute and sexy variety. Mmmm, tasty. Jackal would be so tasty with chocolate. *drool* Makes mouths happy. XD I wasn't ignoring you in favor of the game, by the way. I was closing and as such was unable to talk to you. ;_; But I actually made money for once, which is good for my savings account. XD Perhaps we'll get to talk tomorrow. *crosses fingers* But I'm calling it a night now because I have to work in the morning.
Yay! I made your day! Glad you loved. Makes me happy. It makes me even more happy that you made money. Yay for you! We'll talk soon. *nodnod* No worries. Mwah!
Comments 14
I just posted some random Jackal/Marui things thinking about you and how you haven't been around!
Merry Christmas!
I read and loved those. They shall be put into the JaBun memory folder of love. ♥
Ahfdso. I so love you. Really. I love you and your JaBun ficlets <333
Asidfjsd. Thank you <333333
This was wonderful and very sweet. I love reading your D2 fics. I like the title you gave this, too!
Glad you liked this fic and the title. *grins* I can always share the JaBun love with you.
Anytime! ♥
Jackal stared openmouthed for a moment. Slowly, his jaw found its ability to function again. "Of all the ludicrous... No. I am not jealous of the chocolate."
"You just don't want to share your time with the chocolate?"
kami, this part is to funny.
whears the other 22 buntaxjackal parts? wanna read them.
great fic.
i'll have to go through that to find the fics.
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