
Feb 23, 2009 20:32


Read and know the needed information to play the game. Read all the information that is provided. If you still have questions, feel free to leave your thought you have here.

OOC ≠ IC. Enough said there. If your muse and another mun’s muse have IC conflict -- that does not mean the mun has anything against you. As for OOC drama, keep that out the game; don’t spoil the fun for others. If you feel that you cannot handle the conflict at hand, please contact any of the mods immediately.

Be mature. Act accordingly and treat others with the respect they deserve. In other words: treat others the way you want to be treated. If you are having difficulties with another person, please report this to a mod and we will help find a solution for your disputes. Do not bring others into your conflict and make things even more complicated than it should be.

There is a zero tolerance policy for starting wank with another player or intentionally hurting them - failure to respect this rule will result in permanent ejection from Solace. If you have a history of significant conflict with any mods or players in this game, this is most likely not the place for you. In the event said conflict is with a mod, your application will be declined in the interests of avoiding more problems.

As an added precaution: please disable anonymous commenting and message-recieving on character journals to prevent any potential harrassment from anyone under the guise of anon.

Godmodding is never tolerated or acceptable in any cases. Unless you have talked things out with the other player(s) about how the situation will be carried out, you should act accordingly. You only have control over the characters you applied for. You may not suddenly kill off another character or control their muse.

If you joined the roleplay just to play your OTP, please don't join at all. This is a panfandom roleplay, therefore your characters should break out of their canon groups, and have discussions/interact with other characters from different series.

If your post contains material that may be NSFW or contains some kind of extreme spoilers for a series/character, please leave an ooc note of some sort. There will be people who are into that same fandom, but are not that far ahead, or don't do fansubs/etc. We hope that you will be courteous enough to consider their feelings.

All posts are to be legible and coherently typed at all times unless there is some kind of event that causes them to behave differently and communicate in an incoherent manner. In other words: grammar, syntax, punctuation, and spelling should be checked over before posting. We will not badger you about this, but if you are unable to do this, we'll need to discuss the future and your time here. Typos happen, but it is your responsibility to check things over and edit out your errors.

Additionally, be aware of language: the collars act as translators and this means characters speak in plain English. They would not, for example, be able to go around tacking Japanese honorifics to anyone's names. The language is English, please take this seriously.

Writing may be in a character's native language if it is something other than English; however if in their canon they do not, for example, speak Japanese at any time in dubs or translation or are not Japanese, please don't have them writing speeches in that language. An acceptable example is Rikku of Final Fantasy X writing in Al Bhed; a language other than what is common in her world that she is fluent in. If it isn't canon please consult a mod before asserting a character is able to write in alternative languages.

Applications are accepted on quality never quantity. Please have a personal journal and an instant messenger handle; we'll be needing those just in case we must contact you. Normally applications are accepted within a few days after they are posted. Also, this may be a panfandom roleplay, but applying for real people, celebrities, and original characters is not allowed.

Character duplicates are also a no, unless their realities are completely different: having a manga and anime version of a character will not be accepted, however a working example is Kingdom Hearts characters versus their Final Fantasy versions. As these are entirely separate, both would be accepted. If there is a series such as Code Geass wherein there are numerous spinoff manga, only one version of the character will be accepted. It's still the same world. Non-humanoid characters will be looked at on a case-by-case basis; please consult with mods before applying for one.

In addition, the canon needs to be published somewhere in English so the mods may find reference material if unfamiliar with it. In the event that you want to apply for a character with a limited amount of english canon material, you're welcome to discuss it with the mods.

Updated as of 7/15: When your application is approved, a mod will issue your character one of the following suits: ♥ ♣ ♦ ♠. This determines what effects your character may be under each week, which are always optional. For people with multiple characters, the mods will be sure their suits do not overlap, unless you specify you'd like to have the same one.

As the above states: applications are accepted on quality not quantity. This means players are accepted based on their grasp of the character's voice, personality, and understanding. As the game progresses, character development is bound to happen, but do try not to make any extreme changes without actual reasons. All characters are equal in the game, even if they were the most powerful person in their universe: they're equals here.

In other words, stay in character.

Characters are not expected to post every single day, but it is a good idea to post at least two times a week to help keep up. If you are busy with your life outside of the game, just leave a hiatus note here. We would like a heads up about that if you could. And if you are unable to announce your hiatus by whatever means, please contact a fellow mun about it or discuss it with the mods whenever you come back.

If you do not come back within a few days after the estimated time and date you've given us, we'll have to drop you. We understand there will be difficulties in life, but that is why we ask that you take your time to think out if you are willing and able to play in this game as an active member.

We do activity checks once every six weeks, so please do try to be active. Consider your schedule and if you are able to play. We don't expect our players to be here 24/7, but we would like them to be fair to others who may have more time and want to apply as the character you may have chosen, but cannot because you've been accepted and are not around often. And if you can't bring yourself to maintain the activity checks, you will lose your muse(s).

Bear in mind also that the character limit is currently set to four. After passing an activity check with these four characters, a fifth may be applied for.

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