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Comments 14

chasarumba August 12 2012, 07:14:38 UTC
I was going for a surreal, frenetic, anxiety-ridden feel for the vid, so hopefully that comes across.

Yes, all of the above! I've only seen part of Suspiria (don't watch much horror b/c the visuals stick with me for waaay too long), but have distinct memories of the movie's colors (kind of like a Mondrian painting) and artistry and sense of dread -- I think you captured all of that here.


sol_se August 15 2012, 00:52:03 UTC
Thank you so much! The movie's colors are amazing and are so tied up with the dread you mentioned. It's like, usually bright colors are happy & light, but this movie turned them into something unsettling.


lilly_the_kid August 12 2012, 10:07:12 UTC
Oh my god, that was fantastic! I adore the fast cuts and the intercutting, especially the dancing/being force-fed something to drink and blood dripping/painting nails. This is so deliciously disturbing, great work!


sol_se August 15 2012, 00:55:03 UTC
Thank you!! I'm probably way too excited about you thinking it was disturbing. :D


winterevanesce August 12 2012, 23:25:19 UTC
Excellent vid! I've never heard of this movie before, but after seeing this, I'm definitely interested in checking it out!


sol_se August 15 2012, 01:10:22 UTC


hollywoodgrrl August 13 2012, 21:26:46 UTC
OMFG, WOMAN!!! So as soon as I saw this on the playlist I screamed because YOU + TORI AMOS = AWYISSSS. And omg it was, it so was! I've never seen Susperia so everything just worked for me, but particularly the lyrics. There was a comment that was said during the panel that the song was too sexual for this movie, but that's completely not true because sex is so ingrained in the very aspect that is the horror genre. It worked so well! It actually made me want a serious meta study vid about the final girls in horror movies. Anyway this ruled!

P.S. Every time they showed your Evil Love Shack vid I cried because IT'S SO GOOD.


sol_se August 15 2012, 01:44:23 UTC
Yay! THANK YOU! Oh man, I'm not sure how to be begin responding to this awesome comment. Btw, something about the movie's visuals or feel kept reminding me of the official Tori video for "Raspberry Swirl," so I knew I had to use it.

I'm so glad this all worked for you! I was kind of worried no one would get the song choice or I was cutting too fast for a con setting...but I enjoyed every damn second of making this, so really, I regret nothing. Also, huh! That's really interesting about the panel comment. When I was making it, I actually pulled back on the sexual imagery because I thought I was being too over the top. I mean, how many throbbing red lights or flowers can she fondle? How many knifes thrusting through doors? I mean, really. Maybe I pulled back too far.

sex is so ingrained in the very aspect that is the horror genre.
So true!

made me want a serious meta study vid about the final girls in horror movies.I WOULD WATCH AND LOVE THE HELL OUT OF THIS. I mean, yes, that would be fascinating... *WANT ( ... )


redcirce August 15 2012, 04:27:30 UTC
1. I'm so glad that Susperia fanvids exist 2. I'm so glad that this particularly gorgeous, kinetic Susperia fanvid exists! Really, you did an amazing job, with wonderful cuts and great use of the colors and moment. Fantastic.

(And I had no idea it was part of a trilogy- what are the other 2 movies?)


sol_se August 18 2012, 22:25:49 UTC
Thank you!!

(The other 2 in the trilogy are Inferno & The Mother of Tears. I haven't seen the last one, but I hear it's...not very good. I enjoyed the 2nd one, but not as much as Suspiria.)


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