I saw Cabin in the Woods tonight.

Apr 16, 2012 23:06

UM, IT WAS AWESOME. All horror fans, particularly slasher horror fans, get thee to this movie ASAP. Really entertaining and scary and funny.

Loved all the Evil Dead nods. (Cellar door flying open! ahahaha) Even the front of the cabin looked the same. DO NOT READ THE LATIN.

♥ ♥ ♥ Fran Kranz ♥ ♥ ♥

The elevators, oh, those elevators...


Fran Kranz stole the show for me. Bradley Whitford, Kristen Connolly, Amy Acker, & Brian White were also all great. AND THE FACILITY'S DIRECTOR!! YESSS.

I thought it was a very clever vehicle in which to play with movie stereotypes. Also, fun as hell.

Joss Whedon and Drew Goddard can feel free to make many more movies, please. Speaking of, on my way out of the theater, I bought my Avengers ticket. MAY 4TH, BABY.

evil dead trilogy, horror, joss whedon, movies

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