Война всё ближе: Германия приближается к "большой дружбе с нами

May 02, 2016 12:26


Скоро такое же будут рисовать о Путине и том, кто придёт на смену Меркель.

Источник: https://www.facebook.com/alexander.sobianin/posts/1145458495517103
Автор: Собянин А.Д., руководитель службы стратегического планирования Ассоциации приграничного сотрудничества

В полном соответствии с моим прогнозом 2013 года, идёт ускоренная накачка партии Alternative fur Deutschland для демократической победы на выборах в ФРГ. И второе тоже по плану - впереди у нас два года большой дружбы России и "антиамериканской Германии".
Germany: AfD adopts anti-Islam manifesto at Stuttgart party congress // Ruptly TV. 01.05.2016.
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Alternative fur Deutschland (AfD) members voted in favour of adopting a party manifesto to reduce the perceived influence of Islam in Germany, at the third AfD party convention in Stuttgart, Sunday. The adopted policy statement reportedly includes phrases such as "Islam does not belong to Germany."
SOT, Hans-Thomas Tillschneider, AfD Saxony-Anhalt state executive committee member (German): "The idea in the draft of the national executive board is that we should inject Islam with some kind of enlightenment. I have only stressed the passages in which this idea is presented. Why? I find the notion of injecting Islam with some kind of enlightenment ridiculous. We are witnessing the Islamic world showing tendencies to return to orthodox lifestyles for the past 20, 30 years. Everything is getting more Islamic and Germany cannot evade this trend, as we are connected through globalisation and the Internet and through mass immigration. This is why it cannot succeed, especially now, in the era of the worldwide radicalisation of Islam, we think we could breed an enlightened Islam? This might thrive in accademic habitats, but it will never be capable of winning a majority."
SOT, Hans-Thomas Tillschneider, AfD Saxony-Anhalt state executive committee member (German): "Besides I find it undesirable and inconsistent, because we are rightfully shifting against an islamisation of the occident. So if we want to argue consistently and fairly and if we are against an islamisation of the occident, then we should not advocate for the westernisation of Islam, it does not concern us!"
SOT, Moderator (German): "Anyone who would like to agree to the Tillschneider proposal, then I request to see the blue voting card. Thank you, who is against? Thank you. Abstentions? Thank you, the proposal has been adopted."
"Альтернатива для Германии" - за сотрудничество с Россией // Россия 24. 01.05.2016.
Европейцев серьезно коробит от новых правил и ценностей, которые им ретранслирует и вживляет в мозги брюссельская бюрократия, давно забывшая понятие "национальный суверенитет".

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